We are halfway through 2021, and now what is the outlook for further development in PA, Ohio & WV?  Are prospects looking better for this year or will 2022 be a better year for us?  Everything seems to be at a standstill?  Why??   Anyone with encouraging news?

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In WV, I have seen a few more permits issued per week than last year when there was almost nothing. Depends on the county. I view that as somewhat encouraging. Hope others have more news/information.

Ascent is busy in Jefferson county Ohio. They are applying for 2 well permits here.

Is anyone hearing from gas company land agents for new ROW`s or leasing for new pads & wells?   Where?  Who is doing the contact work; EQT, Range, CNX, Olympus, Seneca Resources, others ... who?  Will completion of the Shell plant in Monaca be the next game changer?  Any new gas fired electric plants planned for our region?  Will gas companies consider joint ventures to create demand for their gas?

All  about quality of the land ... Everyone wants tier 1 , very few want tier #2   ,,......

 After that , how far is a carrier pipeline ??? Too far gets expensive .......... 

It seems tier 1 vs tier 2 differs between gas companies.  It`s the low hanging fruit scenario.  The pipeline convenience I can see as a big problem and would be expensive unless a gas company has long range plans working for them.  What is the next major pipeline coming on-line which will energize the gas companies to drill more? 

Tier ! is most important in this competitive Industry ............ Shell wells in Tioga cannot compete with COG , CHK wells to the east and also cannot compete   with wells in the Pittsburgh region ... Pipeline takeaway  continues to be a big problem especially for those highly productive players East of Tioga .....

Good to see you back again Ralph

At what point will declining wells need to be replaced with new wells to sustain production goals or pipeline contract obligations?  Will this trigger the next "boom time"?  How long until it happens?  Can`t happen soon enough for me!

Well results get better all the time resulting in fewer wells needed to keep production stable .... he producers get a little smarter as time goes by ......

Ascent is looking to get permits for their Gabriel wells in Warren township Jefferson county Ohio. Also talk of Gulfport drilling in the township.

Actually Gulfport is doing some wells in Warren township now. Not sure of the progress though.

M Digity

Supposedly 2 more wells up on County Rd. 15. On the hilltop.


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