Does anybody know anything about the drilling that is going on behind Valley Natural Gas on 209 in Cambridge (across from Walmart)? I had not been down that way in a while & just noticed today as I was coming back from Walmart that there was a small (single rig I assume probably a shallow well) drilling rig in place behind Valley NG. I drove down there to see what I could see & there was a sign there with the name of the drilling company, but I can't remember it now. I can't see how they are able to have the rig in place there without having a permit issued... I see nothing on the ODNR site for a well in Cambridge. Any info appreciated.
Heard Mayor of Cambridge had a piece in the local paper concerning this? Can anyone post the article? Did the well not need approval of the city? I would like to read the article since alot of activity is coming through the cambridge area I think the mayor should be supportive of these activities.
The well is just out side the city limits. I think everyone in Ohio should be concerned with this. According to the article, this well is to be used for disposing of frac water from PENNSYLVANIA !! What the hell ? They are going to dump their waste in Ohio,supposedly because they're not permitted to in Pennsylvania ? Bad deal here folks,need to get some legislation going on this one and stop it before it starts.
thanks red, i was unaware of the location (city limits boundary) and also did not know the injection water originated in PA.
I read someplace Ohio is also accepting frac water from Texas.
I agree,,,STOP....Ohio should not become a dumping ground for O/G industry.
I heard on the radio the county is doing a traffic study because of all the extra truck traffic, just like Cambridge to do things bass ackwards.
The city was too busy upgrading the downtown area in preparation for the placing of the Dickens figures to be concerned with trivial things like what's going to effect the county for the next 50 yrs. It's pretty apparent that no site study was done using common sense prior to the start of drilling.
"Frack" water spill causes concerns in Monroe Co.
ODOT still looking into last Thursday's spill
AVC News 12/27/2011
A spill of "fracking" wastewater in Monroe County has residents concerned about whether officials are prepared to handle the coming drilling boom, as more and more contractors access shale formations deep underground.
Ohio Department of Transportation officials said a truck hauling wastewater from the process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, spilled part of its load Thursday along two state roads in Monroe County, Ohio.
An ODOT spokesperson said the spill, reported to the State Patrol at around 7:00AM on Thursday, involved about four miles along Ohio 537 and about six miles on Ohio 260 near Marr. About 20 tons of sand was poured over the affected roads to soak up the mixture and provide better traction in some areas that were slick.
No immediate environmental concerns presented themselves. The spill remains under investigation.
nelson, I own some land in guernsey county live in stark county today i recieved a call from shell oil with an offer of $5200 per acre and 20% royalties is this the going rate for madison jefferson twp.
I have not heard of any recent signings to compare this offer to. The last solid offer I was aware of in and around the area was $5k with 20% gross royalties (no deductions). I know some of the North Eastern most townships had received as high as $5,350 per acre with the same royalty, and Madison township was included in that offer (from a company other than Shell). This info was as of the end of Oct./beginning of Nov. so in my opinion, depending on where your land is situated in Jefferson or Madison township, this would be a reasonable rate as long as they are offering a fair lease.
Is this the well completions report for this well?
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