To Lease or Not to Lease: Has Anyone NOT signed a lease? I'd like to hear why you didn't

My wife and I are part of a landowners group that is in the process of having their Range Resources contract reviewed by attorneys.  We only have 3.2 acres and have not decided whether we are actually going to sign a lease.  I am curious to hear from people who started to go through the process and then at some point decided against it.  I'd like to hear your reasons.  FYI - I'm not posting this so I can attack people's decisions.  I am genuinely interested in hearing from people who decided not to sign a lease.  


Thanks in advance!

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Gregory - I'm glad you have had a good experience with respect to the natural gas drilling.  Our lease is currently being evaluated / altered by an O&G attorney.  We are supposed to be getting it back this week.

Chesapeake started drilling last February here. It is closed loop, no holding pond. The only real problem heard in our parts  is dust on a dirt road...go figure. As soon as complaints were heard they started watering the road every 4 hours or so. Now they are complaining about some mud on their cars....which really isn't mud it is dirt from the gravel they rebuilt the dirt road with.

If there were so many documented problems there would be lawsuits out the *&^(*, the lawyers would see to that. I suspect the reason so many settle with the driller with a non disclosure clause is because there is no way they can prove that drilling has caused their problems and they just want the money. Just like those folks in Dimock, Pa....they don't want their problems solved they want money. They were offered different fixes for their wells, but refused and went to court. You do know they have had water well methane problems for as long as there have been water wells in that location, decades before drilling ever happened.

Don 't get me wrong, I don't think these companies are angels by any stretch. They are learning that drilling around populated areas is a different animal. We just need to watch them and make sure they continue updating their drilling programs....which they are doing. So far the only real complaint i have is the way the leasing is done.

 Karen are you pro gas ? What gas companys have you delt with ? Are you here to learn about leasing and all other parts of the gas production ? I have learned if you deal with the bigger companys they have the resources and technology to do the job right .Would like to here about your experiences ?

That is a silly question - she has watched Gasland and believes everything that she saw on that "scientific" documentary. 

i don't think anyone here is able to know what anyone else might believe or not believe and i think comments to that effect are disruptive to the integrity of this site for INFORMATION sharing.


I totally agree. I have friends in Dimock and Troy PA, as well as in Dish Texas whose stories are unbelievable. We are just now seeing the beginnings of a few wells here in Ohio and thankfully the small community I live in is working feverishly to ban fracking. It is an uphill battle though as many were convinced by the gas companies that it is perfectly safe and there will NEVER be any problems......
They are also just now realizing that all "jobs" they thought fracking would bring  will be going to drillers from Pa, Ok and TX. 

Thanks Chris, prepare to be jumped all over for what you stated.  You are just a "fool" who is being played by the tree-huggers. 

I visit here every once in a while but it seems pointless to share if you are against the gas companies. 

Tomorrow at 2:00 at the Butler Library there will be a meeting with two farmers affected by the gas drilling.  It is sponsored by Marcellus Outreach Butler.  We make no money in fact we use a lot of our own money to get the word out of how the gas companies are deceiving the public. 

Hope to see you there.  Everyone is invited. 

Lovers of gas and money you do not need to comment, I already know all the talking points.


I don't visit here often either. It would be nice to have a civilized conversation about fracking, but some respond so ignorantly I have no choice but to ignore them.

I know I am not a fool when I see the devastation and hear the  stories of people in the areas I mentioned.  We don't have an outreach here it is just myself and a few local people trying to let the small the community we live in know what may be headed our way. We do all of the canvassing, fliers and other meetings out of our own pockets as well. There are not too many groups here yet in Ohio, because it has just started here.

Interestingly enough the gas company's behavior is working in  our favor. The first week they pulled in they took out the lights two nights in a row and ran over a school bus sign. Many of the lies they told the trustees are now coming out and they are quickly realizing these people do not care for the community or anyone who lives in it. In addition, they have just learned that all the jobs they thought the locals would get are going to drillers from other states. At this point the town looks to gain nothing positive but a newly widened and paved 30 foot section on a town road. 

I know what you mean about the money and gas lovers. We have them here too. They quickly signed leases without even reading them and now that the gas company owns their soul they want out. We did not sign. We were threatened and told if we didn't they would take it anyway, but you know the last time I looked I lived in America and I pay the taxes on my property. So I guess we'll be seeing them in court!


These women are from Bradford County.  They  leased but drilling was not done on their land but on neighbors.  You can see them on youtube.  Look for Carolyn French and Carol Knapp.
I really recommend that everyone watch the above youtube video (  You folks who plan on leasing will get some good advice because the gas companies are not to be trusted.  If you think they are a friend of you or this country, I believe you will be disappointed.  I talked to a lawyer today about the contracts (leases) and how well protected the companies are...especially from being sued by someone who has damanges and they did not lease.  When they sue it will probably be the landowner not the company.

Karen ,

It is chilling...thank you!

She must also stop eating any food grown with oil based fertilizers and stop all synthetic drugs and get rid of any chemical based cleaners and personal care products and I really hope she is using plant based solar cells that didn't require heating during production to generate the electicity for her plant based computer to spew the blog.  Where do we find the time walking every where and carrying the thatch for the roof and the wood to cook each day?


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