To Lease or Not to Lease: Has Anyone NOT signed a lease? I'd like to hear why you didn't

My wife and I are part of a landowners group that is in the process of having their Range Resources contract reviewed by attorneys.  We only have 3.2 acres and have not decided whether we are actually going to sign a lease.  I am curious to hear from people who started to go through the process and then at some point decided against it.  I'd like to hear your reasons.  FYI - I'm not posting this so I can attack people's decisions.  I am genuinely interested in hearing from people who decided not to sign a lease.  


Thanks in advance!

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So, can I interest you in a barcode scanner then?

You are correct. And the well casings are the same cement used in the gulf as they are in fracking. That's why they say "there hasn't been one well contaminated from fracking" Maybe it wasn't the fracking process, but the faulty well casing they used in Dimock PA. 

The DEP, who is now bought and paid by the industry, fined Cabott industry and ordered them to fix the water for 15 families who can't drink their water.  3 years later, they still have no clean tap water, and now, new administration, new DEP head they were let off and told they can continue opperations. To make matters worse, they have been let go of providing water to the 15 families water buffaloes.  These are the kind of problems we should take serious, stop being blinded by the $$ signs and fight so they don't happen to us.

Thanks for understanding that there is more to life than $$ and gas!!!! 

today the gas industry in the UK acknowledged that fracking there had in fact caused the earthquakes not for from the drill site.

It has since been reported that the tremor wasn't caused by fracking afterall. It has been determined by experts that , in fact , it was the combined effect of the cataclysmic crashing of the Greek,Spanish,and Italian Economies!!!!!!!!

!!!!! DRILL BABY DRILL !!!!!

actually, you are wrong.  today's scientific american said the company that did it has acknowledged that the i think 3pt tremors were from fracking...but he didn't think any more there.

Nice!!!! what a way to put it into perspective.  What you are saying is it maybe a harbinger of our economy crashing if we do not drill, Frack on......................

People better wake up and realize THEY CAN'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THEY HEAR!!! Believe it or not there is a movement afoot to DESTROY this nation at any cost. And it has been increasingly gaining momentum since 2008! It doesn't take a rocket scienist to figure out why THEY do not wish US to be energy independent. We just cannot allow ourselves to be led to our own DEMISE by buying into every piece of propaganda that is puked out by these propagandists.

!!!!! DRILL BABY DRILL !!!!!

!!!!! FRACK BABY FRACK !!!!!

!!!!! VOTE BABY VOTE !!!!!


Oh man.  What can anyone say to that?


And prior to 2008 we were on a fast pace to become energy independent.  Wow, what some believe.

I agree with you and would like to believe that there are companies out there who are "doing it right" Unfortunately in PA all the companies have had serious violations, problems and No environmental impact study done before hand. That just doesn't make sense to me. It tells me that someone is getting rich off the backs of others.

If this industry is as good as we would like to believe, why then do they need to be de-regulated from the clean air, clean water and superfund acts?  If you or I dropped a bucket of toxix, carcenogenic waste into a river we would go to jail.  These guys get off with a small fine and continue to do more.  It's irresponsible, and criminal what is going on in PA and Ohio.

Earthquakes have been proven to be brought on from "Injection wells" in Arkansas.  These are all issues that are serious, and will have a long term effect for a short term profit. 

I'm not screaming "the sky is falling" I'm trying to say "wake up people, do your homework before signing on the dotted line." There is a high risk with this type of industrial practice.  Is it a risk you want to have in your back yard? Not me.  If I wanted to live in an industrial waste land i would move to Texas.  I moved to a rural area to get away from the industrial air and water.  The country smells good and the water is the best.  But the people I know in PA where this is going on are suffering and I don't wish for that to happen to me and my family no matter how much money they offer. 

I will take good health over wealth any day!



  We could never grow trees fast enough to replace Natural Gas , let alone coal.  Trees as a heat source replacement for Natural Gas are not a renewable resource because trees grow much too slowly.  So, you are OK with the complete deforestation of the planet - then what are you going to burn? And whole new group of people would be complaining loudly about deforestation.


 There is not enough sun in the northern latitudes to use for Solar Heating.

 If you don't burn natural gas, oil or coal you will run out wood/tree's.

 You actually think you could run a modern steel mill without Natural Gas ?

 You are not being resoanable.

 I want to see YOU forge a Steel Beam for bridge by hand.


 Now you point to  Europe - where you say "Even Europe is having problems."

 Again I say,  go to where Natural Gas is being extracted properly and safely and learn how they are doing it correctly. Because it can be done safely. Too many people from Bradford County think Gas & Oil cannot be extracted safely.


 The solution to Bradford County's problem is not for the rest of world to shut down their properly and safely operating gas wells and for the rest of us to lower our standard of living back to "ancient times". The solution to Bradford County's problem is for Bradford County to fix their gas well sites and raise their standard of living and quality of life. I have gas wells all around me and we do not have the problems that Bradford County does.




burning wood introduces many toxic and irritating particles into the air via the smoke from wood stoves and especially outdoor wood burning this is not the answer, either.  i do not know about pellets; i do know there are new wood stoves that produce much less harmful smoke, but know nothing about how that works or how much is still emitted...........only that they are LESS harmful.


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