Wefler well on Sykes ridge ,,, anyone know what's the status. The rig is now gone...I'm assuming the drilling is done... But no activity over there or people working for about 2 weeks or more..all is quiet agian

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Was told well would be tested now.  Rig moved to Wileyville , WV, to tie up some leases about to expire.

So ..how long dies this testing last.....? A everyone's is sooooooo tired of waitin.....thank you for your reply

Was just through Willeyville Wv this morning all the way from New Martinsville to Hundred Wv. didn't see much if anything out that way with Statoil, they do have a compression station about 5 miles from Hundred. And saw some signs on a hill top saying no dumping on some Statoil signs. A lot of Stone Energy sites out that way though. I leased to Statoil in that area(long Drain-Littleton area almost 2 years ago.

I have a l;ease about two miles from this rig .will I be included in the process? waited five years for a well to be drilled. At the present rate of progress I will be dead The silence makes Me wonder what is going.on. Oil and gas companies  are making fools out of all us

I live abt 1/2 mile..haven't heard a word...now they have all left with gates closed. no one knows anything.we signed on 4 years ago.

Where exactly is Sykes ridge located at?

4 miles from clarington ohio

ok thank you

Good news everyone, I spoke with someone who is certainly in the position to know and was informed that drilling and fracking have been completed and everything looks good. The production equipment should be in place in December and production should begin sometime in December or January. 

Im glad your getting some information. I called rhe company three or four times to ask if were in the unit and no one will call me back.do you know where we can find out? I keep hereing multiple things. And i really woukd like my division orders so i can have an attirny review them. Sorry typing on this phone is hard
Thetes another rig up there now...do you know what thats about?

Not sure about that rig, could be some of the equipment starting to arrive. The person I spoke with said the equipment would be coming over from another pad and would all be in place by December. This person is in the production angle and didn't know about when the division orders would arrive. He seemed to think that would all take place once the production started and checks would roll in about 3 months after that. 

I seem to recall seeing other posts on this site talk about how some companies send you division orders and talk you through what your revenue stream might be. Others talked about waiting for division orders and then suddenly their first check arrived. I am not sure how up front Statoil is about all of this. I do know that they have invested a great deal and need these wells to start flowing. There sure have been some great production numbers coming in from Monroe County wells. I hope to God we continue the trend!


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