What does it mean on a Oil and Gass production report for a Marcellus well that is being drilled when the O&G state in the "Comment Text" section "Well is turned in line."?????

googled it but couldn't get an answer...


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Lit'l Cougar-- It's a good thing! --Tom
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...okay...the well was drilled late winter 2010 and the first production report is for Jan-June 2011 and it stated that...wonder when I will start seeing the royalty payment...I only own 1/5th interest and have only royalty rights no executive rights so I have not idea what was the final lease...and EQT only tells me I will eventually see a royalty check...amazing...so you still didn't say what it means... : )



I just got the most fantastic news ever today...now I know what that terminology means...and guess what???  The check is in the mail... : ) I will have it by Monday...Yahoo!!!!!!!!!


Lit'l Cougar

Little Cougar go to www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com this contains a lot of oilfield terminology.  Hope this helps.
Thanks, Robert....I now know what it means... : )
to quote your earlier response, ..."so you still didn't say what it means...
It means my ship has come in...the well is producing and I am finally getting royalties...Bahama's here I come!!!!

Been nice knowin ya!!!  Before you go...get them to deposit the money by electronic transfer...then you won't hafta worry about it sittin in a mailbox while you cruise the Caribbean in your yacht!  Or at least, get a PO box so that no checks are in a mailbox for a few days.


Congrats and have a great life!


Not going anywhere...still have another 104 acres in Greene Cty that has an old well lease that the O&G is wanting to modify.  Just waiting to hear what they have on the agenda for that...earlier in another post, someone said whether it was best to be aggressive or patient...I think patience is the answer.  They will come to you when they are ready...so I was patient...going to continue in that vein.  Time is on our side and I was not greedy but was rewarded very well.

Thanks for your good wishes and I extend them to you too...we have something valuable for the first time in our lives...and we reap what we sew...so I guess I must have done something right in my life.  I work very hard at a job I love and made a great life for myself after my husband died; and I take care of my Mom...this takes some of the worry away if something should happen to my job.

Keep the posts coming...I learn something new everyday.

little cougar...

Without looking it up, i'd hazard a guess meaning, that the well is connected to a transmission line and gas is being sold.

Congrats Little Cougar!!


Thanks, Craig...I hope everyone on this site will experience the joy I did this morning.  It is more then money to me...I wanted my Mother to see something of her legacy...she is 86, soon to 87 and not doing well and is always worrying about me...


God Speed to all of you...I will keep you posted about my other tract of land...I have learned so much from this site and can't wait each day to sign on when I'm having lunch.


Congrats!!!  That is the kind of news many of us wait for.


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