Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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my brother works in Jackson, lives in hoback junction.

how cold is it in tioga county? some areas were reportedly as low as -24. this morning the bank thermometer in Wyalusing read -20, that's Bradford county.

so the quick answer is that it's cold Josie, damn cold, and we're selling lots of natural gas this winter because of it.

and that's a good thing!

Josie, Are you sure those aren't commodity options?

I live in a little town called Dayton just north of Sheridan.  Sheridan is north central on the east side of the Big Horn mountains.  i worked in Jackson and lived down the canyon from it for about six months.  I highly recomend it but take lots of money.


Spent a summer in Laramie taking classes at UW.It snowed June 13th but that was in 76.

My wife got her law degree there.  We weren't married yet, but I often visited.  Some nice country there too.  High altitude.  I was in Cody on the 7th of July once and saw 6 inches of snow come down in a hurry.  The little micro weather systems way up on the mountains can deliver some interesting presents any time.

I think you'll see Shell cut their area of interest back shortly if it hasn't already. I do believe that you can still get $1000/acre and a 1/8th royalty for a 10 year lease in the most promising areas, but don't expect that to be offered very widely for at least the next few months. Shell's 2014 drilling plans for PA and Ohio as a whole are down 85% from what they were a few years ago, and after the staff cutbacks they announced last month I would expect a slow 2014 in Tioga County as well.  

" I do believe that you can still get $1000/acre and a 1/8th royalty for a 10 year lease in the most promising areas, but don't expect that to be offered very widely for at least the next few months."

jack, is that statement based on actual offers that you know have been made by shell recently? or is it a guess as to where things are headed?

and where are the most promising areas that you referenced in that statement?


Yes to both. Actual offers and where I think things are heading. But only for the most promising areas, and those have shrunk a bit recently. I can't say a great deal more right now, unfortunately.

ok, and I won't say a great deal more now either, except that there are currently higher offers than you spoke of there, and of course there are also lower ones.

I suppose we'll know more as time goes on.


I live just north of Hammond Lake/Ives run. Been in contact with Shell about renewing my lease. They keep telling me $300/acre plus 1/8th royalty is as high as they will go.

David I too was offered 300/5year 700/10year. I told them, not even close and to call me when they are serious. I also have the paperwork to desolve the lease pending the expiration date. No lease...no access, or passing through.

Anyone know what impact - if any - signing one of these leases has on the sale price of property?  (Particularly where the primary value is the land rather than buildings.)


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