we here in Ashtabula County north of Rt. 6 all began finding some meat on the 'Land Leasing Bones' being tossed around ?

Speaking for my wife and myself as Landowners, all many marketing companies have offered is talk about signing up Landowners / Landowner Groups in five (5) year paid up front contracts but without Landowners having the benefit of seeing the actual Leasehold Contract being negotiated.

Then we pick up on some of these marketing companies not making good on their end of the marketing agreement.

Leaves us kind of cold if you know what we mean.

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I agree, and I wish some outfit would actually drill in Ashtabula to find what is there.

It might be that the Developers have enough on their plates for now and without 'Infrastructure / Pipelines' there's no place with enough capacity to deliver the recovered resources.

Maybe they're waiting to see how things with EnerVest and Chesapeake shake out.

I understand that both EnerVest and Chesapeake have their Ohio Utica acreage under lease up for sale.

On another post elsewhere we've read that EnerVest is or has sold many of their leaseholds to CGAS.

Probably all of the above have more or less of a part causing the apparent stagnation.

Stopping to think about it a little more, it doesn't seem to me that this would stop them from 'capturing' leaseholds - then the mind wonders if marketing strategy plays into it all in some part.

Then there's the upcoming election and politics to consider at fault.

It looks to us like a nasty mess of negative unknowns causing the overall constipation / delay of game.

People tripping over their own feet.

Landlubber, A vertical test well was drilled early this summer by enervest just north of rt. 6 on st. rt. 45.   These companies have a good idea what is down there.  

Ashtabula county has around 100 Rose Run Formation oil and gas wells which are deeper than the Utica. This presents a minor problem in that the rose run wells penetrate the frack zone for the Utica and may not have suitable cement job (if any) to withstand frack pressure. This could cause all kinds of problems. I have talked to Odnr and they will probably create a safe zone around these rose run wells so Utica can be developed. This is probably not big issue and probably not reason for slower development in the county but something for property owners to keep in mind.

How about if they also frac the existing Rose Run wells in the Utica zone ?

Would they have to plug the deeper Rose Run bore hole ?

Or if the Rose Run bores are played out then plug them below the Utica zone and rebuild the bore above all to withstand the Utica frac pressure ?

Maybe not so much problems but, perhaps and rather only issues to accommodate ?

Probably to dangerous to put frack pressure on any cemented or uncemented zone in rosé run wells. Rose run wells were not designed with Utica in mind at the time they were drilled. Utica frack could leak into other zones and jeopardize utica frack as well as other productive oil and Gas formations and fresh water zones. Probably ok to plug rose run well and proceed as usual with Utica without restrictions. Required frack pressure in Utica in Ashtabula County is not as high as in some areas but still concern in this issue..safe distance for Utica fracked lateral from rose run well could be in the 1000 foot range or less (1/2 frack = 500 ft plus safety setback... whatever that's determined to be). Definitely only an issue to accommodate.

Thanks ji

Pretty technical stuff for an amateur like me to wrap his head around but it's good to read your final sentence which I infer to mean that these issues can be addressed and that Utica bores wouldn't necessarily be impossible.

I've read the same thing on other posts regarding lower pressure.

Isn't that the purpose of the so-called 'nodding donkeys' ?

Regarding landowners requesting 'high up front money' I'm afraid I'm unsympathetic toward the O&G companies.  They've never been bashful about the prices charged at the gasoline pumps or for heating fuel have they ?  Also, they've paid other landowners some rather handsome signing bonus money in the recent past haven't they ?

I'm thinking that O&G company marketing, not enough infra-structure, election year politics and elitist politicians have the most to do with things remaining so stagnant.

The politicians could really turn things around if they decided to promote domestic natural gas conversion on a grand scale. 

The way I see it if the government can subsidize oil wars (for other countries) they ought to be able to promote domestic natural gas / oil production and use here at home.

Powerless to change things from the landowners' side of the equation.

Only saving grace is the knowledge that once they make up their minds that they want it they'll buy it and take whatever the costs end up to be out of their customers wallets - if you can call that a saving grace.

Hey Joseph, don't feel bad there is still alot of land South of rt. 6 in Ashtabula Co. not getting any interest yet also.

To all of my neighbors in Ashtabula County...  please realize that there are multiple drillers quietly looking at Ashtabula.  We have lots of oil.  To assemble a meaningful land position, they need to acquire HBP rights from multiple sources (i.e. shallow-well operators).  An acquiring party typically needs to lock up as much acreage as possible "behind the scenes" before they go public with their leasing efforts for the remaining acreage and start a bidding war.  My advice is to get into a landowner group (I highly recommend Buckeye Mineral) and just be patient.

Couldn't agree more.

I'd like to get involved with Buckeye - but 1st would like to see a copy of the Leasehold Contract they're selling.

I can't talk myself into buying anything sight unseen and / or without a dollar figure attached to it.


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