Our next BCLG meeting is going to be Thursday October 28, 2010 at the Snowmobile
Club in Washington Twp.

  a.. At 6pm will be an informational meeting to describe BCLG, answer
questions and to provide updates on the group.  This portion of the meeting
is open to anyone in Cherry, Clay, Concord, Marion, Venango and Washington
Twps. of Butler County.

  b.. At 8pm will be a planning meeting open ONLY for those under agreement
with BCLG.  We will be discussing the findings of our group survey as well
as the strategies to move forward in our collective marketing and
negotiating process.  Our attorney, Andrea Parenti will be present so we can
discuss the lease parameters that we wish to negotiate into the lease.

One thought:  Some landowners have asked me if they should accept an offer
from a gas company now?  They are out there lowballing landowners.  It is
always up to the individual to decide whether to sign or not and we will
never pressure anyone in to signing or not signing, but my feelings and what
has happened historically in other areas is that the numbers do go up!  The
gas companies are not going to walk away, in fact as time goes on more will
come in creating a competitive environment.  I plan on waiting and working
collectively with the other landowners in this group to get more of my fair
share but also to have the power to include protective addendums so MY land,
YOUR land and OUR community are protected!

Hope to see you on the 28th!

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At least you read it! If you had replied constructively you would have been 2 for 2 and set the bar. No financial stake......whomp whomp waaaaaa. I don't get $25 an acre.

By your logic, since I ate this morning I shouldn't be concerned with global famine....

Getting a life...


Since I can't reply to your post (no reply button available), I will place my response here. 

So after all, I realize that we should at least thank you for the amount of time and thought you put into your posts...whether or not we agree with you.

And I get that we are paying someone $25 per acre....but the amount of time and effort that our group leaders have put in, on our behalf, is well worth the price.  I don't have the time or energy to do what they are willing to do on my behalf. So many other groups ask for a higher % for their time and expertise.  I think the service is worth the price.

AND... these people are my neighbors...their land is next to my land!  What's not to trust?



I just don't understand why you would care SO MUCH?


JMS, since there is no reply button, I will also respond here. I appreciate the nod, even if our view points are opposing. 

What have they done for you? Have they negotiated an Addendum for your group that has been even considered by an O&G leasing company? Are you willing to pay $25 an acre for an inferior product than you could get independently (Read: with experienced lawyer, or copying someones Addendum that paid for it)? A prime example of this would be the ABC group (which consisted of MUCH more cumulative acreage than BCLG). ABC couldn't push through a 'blanket' Addendum that was acceptable, so individual landowners approached the given O&G leasing company in their specific area and are getting (/got) the deal done. Huh. 

Good faith (assuming the case) doesn't necessarily mean good results. If I'm going to war, I want to be lead by someone who has experienced gunfire, not someone that enlisted six months ago and is the hardest working grunt digging trenches.

JMS, in my highly regarded opinion (,ask my mother) I would suggest your best bet in this whole equation would be to get together with your immediate neighbors, leased and otherwise, work as a specific unit (not: land here, land there, land everywhere) and sign with the company most likely to produce you (this is where your signed neighbors may come in to play). 

Why, in todays day and age, is caring met with such skepticism? Never mind, answered my own question.

Good point...thank you for caring then... But I'm sticking with my plan.
Why are we being subjected to these infomercial advertisements for an attorney all of a sudden? This forum is for landowners to share information....... Isn't it?

NOTICE:  The above post by Shaleadvice is NOT the Butler County Landowners Group!  BCLG has been in existence since February 2010 and is run by landowners for landowners.......Shaleadivce is a Pittsburgh attorney and NOT affiliated or endorsed by our landowner group!

As other posts have indicated he is "advertising" his business.

Make sure all this goodwill doesn't come at a cost that is a percentage of your bonus or royalty...
Very good question Matthew! I gues my question would be with all of the activity going on and the potential work for a good O&G attorney right now why would one need to advertise in a subversive manner. Red flag?
I live outside of the bclg area so I don't have a say in the group (wish I did though) but I would be pretty darned ticked off if some guy was trying to slime in on all the groups efforts and hard work......just my thoughts.

Great Questions & Comments--

We are extremely busy with our O&G work, including assisting those who signed leases without qualified advice.  It sounds like all three of you have a good handle on the situation and have a quality group of landowners.  We have no intention of trying to break that up if that is what you are trying to imply.  We are also not holding landowner meetings for those who are already committed to a group.  As a matter of fact, I have tunred down representation and admission into some of our groups becuase they already are participating in other groups.

I am scheduled to speak at several continuing legal education classes for other attorneys and professionals regarding the issues of mineral rights, water and land preservation, and air quality, so I am extremely confident we an assist others who have questions on these and other issues.  

Should you want to know more about us you can call us anytime and we can discuss further.    You should not feet like we are antagonistic with any of you. 

You "turned down representation and admission into some of [your] groups" because they were contractually obligated to (read: participating in) another group? To be clear Mr. ShaleAdvice; you're disingenuous, evasive answers, waft of new age ambulance chasing. My opinion. 

I do like your approach shot of mass marketing. You're aspirations of forming a group of uninformed landowners, that are slitting their own necks with the contract/marketing agreement you will have them sign, will likely come to fruition as a result of this blanket marketing. Law of averages right?

At your informative meetings you should suggest that the best thing a landowner can do is: talk to their neighbors, both signed and unsigned, determine their best company for production, get an informed Oil and Gas Attorney (of course this is more difficult now that every attorney purports to be and about 1 in 100 are, and as you continue to 'educate', I'm sure this ratio will grow), make sure this O&G lawyer doesn't take a % of your Bonus or Royalty, hammer out a Lease/Addendum that makes SENSE to the individual landowner (every property has different uses, my 15 acres isn't going to need the Limestone Mining provision of my neighbors 150 acres does), then sign a lease at financial terms that are acceptable. Would you disagree Mr. ShaleAdvice lawyer?

My buddy Matt asked you to disclose "how you charge people for representation", I think you missed responding to this...oversight I'm sure.






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