This past January, I entered into a lease agreement with DPS Penn on approximately 200 acres in Wells Township this past January and received payment at $1500 per acre at signing with promise 15% Royalty on future acitivity.  Since that date, I have heard of no drilling acitivity in Jeffery County.  Has there been any announcement on drilling plans in and around Wells Towship?

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I would love to know this as well.  I heard that drilling is going to set up on Bacon Ridge soon, but I'm not sure where exactly.
Not sure where Bacon Ridge is located....would this be in Wells Township???
CR 59 in Ross Township
CHK has a permit for two 5,000 ft laterals in Ross on the Asucion property. They plan to do six laterals altogether.

Where is that in Ross Township?  Can you specify the road/city?

New Somerset area. If you go to the county Auditor's site you can look up the landowner and get a GIS map that will be more illustrative.
It's Asuncion, Otilia. I misspelled it above.

Hi; I have 44 acres in the Asuncion West Unit.  I follow the progress of Chesapeake via the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) website.  They have upgraded it and there are now EXCEL & PDF files showing well status for all Ohio counties, etc.  They are updated weekly, usually showing current on Mondays.

Marcus:  I'd love to know how you obtained the following:  "CHK has a permit for two 5,000 ft laterals in Ross on the Asuncion property. They plan to do six laterals altogether."  ODNR does not post that, from what I could see. I'd appreciate any details on that.  Thanks.

I saw the DPU (Declaration of Pooled Unit).  It showed six surface holes and six corresponding laterals.  I'm not sure about this but it may be filed at the courthouse.  The mere fact that they "plan" six holes isn't indicative of what they will actually do.  They may do two laterals and move the rig to the next location.  It doesn't make a lot of sense to drill six wells on one property when that rig can be used to drill six individual wells on six individual units and HBP six times as much land.  

Congratulations on being part of a unit.  Hopefully they bring a nice well online and you can enjoy some good royalties.  

Thanks for the comments.  I go to the sites you referenced weekly for drilling updates.  I spoke with DPS Penn landman I worked with last year and he provided some add'l information for me. 

Bumped into Gov. Kasich at the local Kroger deli last week and chatted w/him on all the progress; he was still focused on taxes!  He is very involved and hails from Eastern Ohio himself and wants to see the jobs coming in...

Aubrey McClendon, Chesapeake CEO is keynote speaker at the OH Chamber of Commerce meeting in Cols. on 5/15/2012 if anyone is a member....

You know, I don't normally agree with politicians when they advocate tax increases but I see where the governor is coming from.  Current severance tax is incredibly small.  Raising the tax would help, among other things, ODNR hire more people and the Ohio EPA ensure that these wells are drilled safely.  The state was wholly unprepared for the massive influx of people and paperwork that this play has generated.  So far ODNR has done a terrific job but this is only the beginning.  They need more people and the state has to pay for it.  Since the state gets its money from us I'd rather see operators foot the bill rather than the average Ohioan.  Just my two cents.

Ohio EPA periodically comes out to well sites if the driller runs into an issue.  I've been on site for such an occasion so I know it's part of their jurisdiction.  As far as ODNR getting severance tax monies they do not directly get it.  It's like the lottery.  It goes to the general fund but it's supposed to be earmarked for education.  So if the state needs more people at ODNR and has more money in the general fund from additional taxes that money may be allocated.  Or maybe they raise the tax and politicians just steal it like they do with everything else.


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