If you are an UNLEASED landowner in Northern Lackawanna County or Northern Wyoming County looking for a landowner group,


email me at nlwlgroup@gmail.com

This is a new group which will be going out to lease in mid February 2011.
Please include your name, address, parcel number and county in addition to the amount of acreage. I will send out all the forms and info to interested people.
NL&WL Group
Robin Scala
Anyone who MIGHT be interested needs to contact me soon. We will be getting the paperwork done in January to be ready for NAPE in February.
Please send your email to the direct group address above. Thanks!

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Which company is it? Is this to be signed in Jan? Im sure Ill find all that out soon enough, but Im very interested regardless. Certainly havent heard of any leasing activity. The only thing that looked positive was Williams buying from Cabot to develop pipeline. Drill baby, drill.
My mistake on the month...that would be Feb. earliest. More info to follow.
Do you know of any groups forming for unleased land in Southeastern Wyoming County? Any info would be appreciated.
Maybe, but if it's the group I'm thinking of they have had no action in a long time. Things will change as areas get tested and proven (or unproven) but there is no guarantee for anyone anyway.
Don't get too worried though. Time will change many things.
Robin, I got your mail. Are the forms you sent me a few weeks ago the same ?? If not please send me the new forms, and I'll get them back to you asap. Thank you for your help !!!! LETS GET A DEAL!!!! Thanks Anthony
There will be new forms coming out in the next week or two. Everyone on the list will get them to sign and return.

Keep your fingers crossed, maybe we will get this done finally.

Any word on what is going on with this new group ???

Still signing members, waiting for the paperwork to send out.

Nothing else is going to happen until at least early Feb.

Your email is very real and honest. Thank you for that. Ive heard nothing different about leasing and recent prices seem to be at or below 3500/acre. Getting drilled is hard to come by for sure, unless we have a nice pattern on the map. I wonder how we would look there? How many acres does this group have so far?

If most of the landowners who are already in stay in, we would NOW have over 4000 acres, almost totally ADJOINING. 


THAT is very rare.


I'm not done yet, either. There are still unleased parcels connected to us and they don't know about this. I have to get out and go see them.

Well count my acres IN !!!!  Thanks for all your efforts and have a GREAT holiday !!

I understand that leases are at a stand still, but my idea is not to go backward on a lease its to go foward on the price, or you've waited for nothing. this gas is the wave of the future, so don't sell yourself short, on a lowered price just because you think nothing is happening. Its comming, it just might take a little bit. you sound like you are willing to sign for whatever price they throw at you. but i can tell you i for one am not going to be scared into signing a lease that i don't feel is worth it, because the econmy is down right now.from what i have read and checked out, we are sitting on prime land.i could be wrong but usually i am not and i will not sign just to make someone else rich.


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