Did Eclipse buy Fossil Creek Leases and did Sun O&G customers get contacted?

I am a Noble County landowner and new to the Noble County Group. Eclipse rep mentioned they bought out the Fossil Creek Leases in Seneca Lake area and are waiting for Sun O&G to expire to pursue new Eclipse lease contracts with those interested landowners.  Eclipse test well south of Seneca Lake would be done in October.  Has anyone heard similar information about Eclipse getting more aggressive with leases in Northern Noble County (Wayne & Beaver Twp)?  

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Teresa..you do have some contacts!  ..had not heard about #s 1 and 4.  The #2 is printed on Fossil's sign over off of 285 at the end of Windy Ridge (soon to read "Eclipse" I suppose).  As for contacts at Fossil, we did ask about Eclipse directly, and yes they are entering into a partnership together, I suppose to bring mutual strengths together..which makes a lot of sense.  Fossil has geologists, Eclipse is a shale driller..good combo!  How far are you from the 566/574 site?  Have they finished the bridge thing over there? If you plot these sites on a Google Map, wow, they are right in line..Miley's land is just beyond the hill SW of 566

Fossil partnering with Eclipse...yes, that does make sense now and I too believe that to be a good thing! From what I understand they haven't started 1 or 4 yet, but it has been confirmed for sure to be the next drilling sites.  I'm about a tenth of a mile from 566/574 and so far from what I've seen from the area plat there is around 700 acres leased to Fossil/Eclipse and yes the bridge is complete and the road is now open all the way to 147.

The Miley family was large and spread out.....my property and at least 500 acres on the south end of Seneca Lake was once owned by them. 

hello all, glad to see a noble county group, i was also contacted by magnum  who said they they buy for eclipse, they mentioned the miley farm and said they moved an eclipse rig in last week to start drilling, they said they were close to having second unit ready and wanted me to sign, dropped off a lease for me to look over

James, if you are interested in a landowner group contact Nathan Vaughn with KWGD Law Firm. His contact info. is: nvaughan@kwgd.com


Our group consist of over 3500 acres here in Noble and have been negotiating with Eclipse. Our lease is so much better....meaning land owner friendly......than what Eclipse will offer you. Also, we have a couple other offers on the table and will vote as a group. 

It may not be too late to get in with the group.....not sure, but you should act quickly.



The gentlemen from Eclipse I spoke with told me that sign is being changed out to an Eclipse sign now that they have taken over operations on that well.

Mark, you've been dealing with FCEC....is there anyway you can contact the rep to get confirmation about Eclipse buying out these leases?

So far from contact...nothing mentioned about it.....Eclipse reps (landman/woman)...are good a telling little white lies.

I have confirmed with Eclipse that they did acquire the Fossil Creek leases in the Senecaville area and have taken over operations on the Miley well location.  They intend to commence drilling on that site as soon as the permit is issued.  I looked at their website (www.eclipseresources.com) and it looks like they are a real shale operator that isn't here to just flip the leases.
Seems to me that was stated in the letter I received from them.

Glad to hear it Rick.

Hello.  My name is Randy.  I haven't commented in a while but wanted to see what's going in with regard to Eclipse leases.  We own about 200 acres near Senecaville in Wayne Township.


Last week we attended the meeting with Eclipse at Pine Lakes Lodge.  About 200 were in attendance. Prior to the meeting I spoke with Fossil Creek and they made it seem like there was something going on with Eclipse and them.  


Eclipse receives its capital for operations from a company called ENCAP. 


We still have environmental and other concerns about the whole thing and are proceeding with caution.   

Hi Randy, in the past I have dealt with a landwomen who represented Eclipse and she made it sound as if they were environmentally friendly and they also state this on their website, but who really knows for sure until they start drilling.

Unless there lease has changed...... be careful and make sure your royalty payment is gross at the well head....before any production costs. They will tell you there is no such thing because all the oil and gas has to be separated first before you get paid....BULL COCKEY!!!! They also try to combine an "Advanced Delay Rental" in with your bonus payment language.....don't go there...it could tie up your land without any drilling for a long time. Make sure the lease is in your best interest and not the oil company...after all they want what you got.


Since you have a fairly large parcel...I would say you have pretty good negotiating power so before you sign anything do your homework and learn as much as you can and definitely have a good oil & gas lawyer check out the lease...bottom line know what your signing.


Below is a landowner friendly lease that someone posted here on this site a while back. You will be amazed how much difference you'll see between this type of lease and a producer friendly lease.


Good Luck!



Thanks for the info.


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