Would like to know if people on this list would be willing to share information regarding their pipeline leases. Possibly copies of their leases and addendums. Would also like to know what price ranges people are receiving per foot. Would be helpful to also share and good or bad experiences people are having with regard to pipeline issues.

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Yes, I hope people will share. I am in Bradford County, but have not engaged with the gas industry yet. I see issues looming on the horizon. Big time.

Carol Manuel
Carolyn, I've had a few visits from Mark West energy and they want to put some kind of a meter site in one of my fields. They want to tie the wells they have drilled around here into this site and then into the gas line that runs through my property. He told me $10 per ft. I should have done more checking......dont know if this is the going price or not.....just letting you know what he told me.
Beetle you have a gas line on your property already, right? Does this mean that any new pipeline they put in is covered by that lease? They are not doing sotrage on your property, are they? Are you getting reimbursed for the use of the meter site? Don't know if your property is in clean and green but if it is you need to make sure you are reimbursed for any rollback or increase in taxes that the site might cause. If they have a meter site, they are also going to need access to the meter site, which would mean a right of way, that use of that land and the access portion should be considered in the deal as well. Just some food for thought. Also if they are going to install new pipeline make sure that it is installed correctly. Apparently they are having the pipeline work subcontacted in some instances and all of the work is not being done in a standard way. I am seeing and hearing about alot of variation.
I was at a meeting this weekend where a man was telling me that he was not able to get any more than $6 per foot for his pipeline lease. He said they told him that if he didn't take the offer they would go around him. Let's continue to share information so we are making good decisions.
I signed a lease a few months ago with MarkWest. Great folks to work with. They needed to widen an existing Columbia gas line to install 6" LP transmission lines. This is already an existing ROW for transmission and electric, also it already goes through my pasture, so it wan't a bid deal for me.

Also, most of my neighbors signed. Same deal, they have woods or pasture that needed cleaned up and it was a win-win for all. Price for 25' wide ROW was $10/ln ft. However, they will not change that price, but would fudge the distance in your favor if needed. So, for me, a 580 ft ROW turned into 800 ft payout.

Now, the ROW was all said an done, except for on neighbor who wanted a ton of cash for 50'.

So, after offering tons of services (trees trimmed, new stone for thier 300' driveway, fence installed, cash for the few trees they had to take) they decided that they can punch a hole and bore under them. How??? they will remain on the existing ROW.

They also had plans to reroute 2 miles of pipeline due to the 50 stand-off.

Be glad to share anything you may want.

In my opinion, I'm allowing this ROW to hopefully benifit my future for drilling. I'm right on several transmission lines and 1/4 mile away from a secondary transmission. But still unleased.

I noticed a small but significant difference between you and beetle. Beetle said $10/ft and you said $10/in ft which I take to mean that a 30" line would be 30" x $10 x distance across your property. Is that right or was it a typo?
not a typo....I belive he was saying Linear foot....that is what most people are paying out on the pipelines.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is a linear foot? I'm guessing it's the above-ground distance rather than the real distance traveled by the line (vertically, horizontally and otherwise)?

What County are you in ?


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