I got an email today (I assume all members did?). Long-winded, but the important point was:

"Friday, October 1 was the day that gas companies were supposed to indicate their intent to participate in the bidding process for our lands. Based upon the above, we did not receive any indication of current
interest from companies that had previously expressed interest and requested
information from us."

They had been counting on the 'fair pooling' law going through, so East would be forced to lease a lot of their members....either East bidding directly or other companies bidding with the thought to sell the lease to East. Since forced pooling (I prefer that term) didn't go through, the idea went bust. I never did see how it could work. They are going to keep trying...they apparently don't get any money until they get somebody leased. Now are we all at East's mercy?

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"No Forced Pooling, no pipelines = no threats."

That's my biggest hope (and fear). I strongly believe that getting wells producing, at least in places like Delmar township, is on hold for a while. They'll keep drilling just to hold leases, but won't lay the pipeline. That makes economic sense right now; they have enough producing wells to bring in some cash, so they can wait a LONG time to proceed with developing these wells. That gives us unleased more time, too. And pushes any chance of royalties further into the future.

I feel bad for the people who signed with the promise that the well would be drilled "very soon" (they promised me that)....the wells may be drilled, but aren't paying anything if they aren't shipping gas.
They fed me the same line. There's no pipeline in Delmar township....how could anyone fall for a line like that?? There's a sucker born every second, and Tioga County seems to have it's share. There's STILL a lot of low-hanging fruit for East to pluck...until people wise up, East will continue with what works for them.
All my neighbors already signed.
We might have signed except for the problem with Dominion. In that sense dominion has helped keep us from making a big mistake.
I suspect that east wants to sell their leases sometime down the road to make a KILLING so to speak. And thats why they have kept the up front bonus so low.

Bill L.
aka Bummy
According to DOE stats, the U.S. doesn't import LNG from Saudi Arabia:


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