Just was curious to hear of any activity going on in Venango county.  Anything from talks of leasing, to actually signing on the line of a lease. 

What have the offers been for potential leases?  Any good addendums you were able to negotiate?

Has anyone heard how the completion went for the Seneca Resources well?

Hopefully 2012 will hold a lot more activity for this industry founding area.

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Thank you for the info, I just sent them an email to their general email for leasing, Does anyone have a contact person for our area from Caffey Group.

Come to the meeting at the Quality Inn in Franklin tomorrow the 17th at 6:30.  We'll explain the whole process and answer questions.


cue the dancing music

Yes I have a contract from Caffey.  He is Alan Lozano.

Joan, can you give any details about the lease that you have with Caffey.  Do you have a contact number?

Thanks   Mark

I have a contract that I have not signed.  Alan offered me $2500.00 and 17 %.  I thought I would send it to my lawyer and see what he thinks.  He can always counter offer.   Garretts offer of $3250 sounds much better.  I have 71 acres.  If you still want his email let me know.


Joan, could you give me the contact info for the Garrett offer you are speaking of?  Thank you in advance.


Garrett, can you tell me who is leasing Venango County for $3250 and 18%?   Shell was making that offer but they have pulled out.   Do you have a phone number or contact for them?  Thanks  Mark

Thanks Joan, can you send me Garretts contact information.  Who does he work for?  Is this an actual offer, or is it a land group that is trying to get the 3250 - 3500 and 18% gross offer.  Other land groups are offering similar deals, but that is what they are trying to get, not necessarily what they will get.  

Is anybody leasing or offering to lease in French Creek Twp? I have a chunk of property up the hill from Utica on the Georgetown road side of French Creek? With gas prices so low, I wonder if leasing activity might be coming to a halt for three to five years. I hope this is not the case. The old market adage is gluts turn into shortages and shortages turn into gluts. I'd like to hear some optimistic replies, if there is any legitimate information out there to support optimism? Thanks in advance for some hopefully good news. 

There are multiple companies interested in Venango. Venango is considered a wet gas areas and the offers are pretty good. Anywhere from $3000 to $3500/acre.

Come to the meeting tonight at the Franklin Quality Inn at 6:30.  We have several members in French Creek.

If one signs for $2500/acre, then expect that lease to be assigned to another company for at least $3250 and you will not get any of the difference.

Thanks for encouragement; can't make meeeting as am in South Carolina. Should be in area around May 1; so maybe there I might be an informative meeting someplace between May 1 and May 20? Jim, I don't know you but I do respect your various postings. It appears that you have developed some specialized knowledge that many landowners don't have. At least I know that I know not, so information from people who may know more is helpful.


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