Vinton county OSU Extension and Vinton County SWCD are hosting a meeting on The Process & Impacts of Horizontal Drilling and Leasing Farmland for Oil 2/22/12 in McArthur. If you have not seen Chris or Clif present, you may want to attend this meeting. They do a fantastic job covering the basics of Hydraulic Fracturing, Leasing Information, and what they have learned from Eastern Ohio and from colleagues in Pennsylvania. Reservations are required.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
6:30-8:30 PM at the Community Building in McArthur 31935 State Route 93
Leasing farmland for oil & gas production is experiencing a revitalization.
Speculators and land brokers are attempting to secure leases of large blocks of
land. Leasing and drilling activity is expected to increase in our area.
This educational workshop has been developed to help landowners better understand
an Oil & Gas Lease, the process and the impacts of drilling
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