Is theis forum just for land owners only? I am one of many heirs to 46 acres of O&G in Upshur County West Virginia. Can you tell me what it going on there as far as the price they are getting for leases? It was my grandmothers and I just found out in October that her estate was never taken to probate in W.V. and she has been gone for 30 years. I have been tying to take it to probate since October and have ran into some obstacles. I'm beginning to think no one there wants us to. We could be totoally wrong, but our family suspect our royalties have been cheated the family over the years since it was never taken to probate. Also, I think there is a possibilty that there may be coal bed methane wells there on that 46 acres. Have they made a dicision on who that belongs to? I have heard that some counties have divided it among the land and mineral rights owner. In my case, the land owner sold it to another person but kept the coal rights. My family owns the minerals, so who would the coal bed methane belong to?

Thank You G.P.

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Your Welcome

Also, in case you didn't know, the House Judiciary Committie is preparing legislation to authorize ''Forced Pooling'' in WV, thus taking away mineral rights owners to negotiate a fair lease. If passed, you will not be able to negotiate a signing bonus and most likely recieve only 12.5% royalties.

Do you know when this is suppose to take place? Also do you know of any recent Marcellus Wells being put in, in Upshur Co? 

See my recent post post on Forced Pooling in  Harrison County Lease Rates   

As for wells being drilled, there has been three rigs working in Upshur for quite a while now. If you go to WVDEP website, office of oil and gas, you can follow all the permits. Also, you can go to West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey ''Pipeline Plus'' for plat maps and more.

People are to quiet, Upshur is rolling along.


Early on in this topic I commented on EQT's effort to get us to modify an old lease to allow for pooling (so they said). Since then we were contacted a 2nd time by a different landmand from Honor Resources.  He was not near as nice as the first man who visited us. We still wanted some changes in the modification.   He said if we didn't sign their modification as presented they would go around us (implying they would take our gas and we get nothing). We asked him if that was a threat. Locally I have been hearing that EQT is using this threat to scare  folks in to signing the boilerplate modifications. If anyone is approached by an EQT representative, I suggest approaching discussions with caution.

Has anyone heard of Jay Bee Production Co. in Cairo W Va ? They offered me $1000 per ac and the standard 1/8 said they would drill in 6 months. Charles W. Corne

Jay Bee Production in Cairo I believe is the local office for Jay Bee Oil and Gas out of New Jersey.

Most all or their activity has been in the counties of Doddridge, Ritchie and Wetzel. From early 2008, most of their wells have been verticals, with a few horizontals.

If this offer is for minerals in Upshur, I'd have to think they are just wanting to grab your acreage at this cheap offer, then sell it off to EQT, Chesapeake ect. for big bucks, seeing that they have no activity in Upshur themselves. 

Don't take any companies word for anything ! Get it in writing !

Just wanted to let you know that CNX is active right now, in Southeast Upshur, with a pitiful offer of $500 per acre and 12.5%

Thanks for the info, but I have to say that is better then any other offer we have had.  What is your suggestion, wait it out? 



Gail, go with your gut feeling.

In the proven area of SE Upshur, (this is a very, very good area) that $500 would need another 0 and the 12.5 would have to be 20+% to take them serious and even begin negotiations. EQT and CNX have horizontals in the area along with additional permits. EQT has carried their permiting right on across the line into Randolph, all horizontals. The Marcellus is between 250 to 500 ft. thick in the area. In that stretch of Upshur into Randolph, I believe they have over 30 horizontal permits. So, for me, I'd be waiting. Everyones situation is different, as for me, I am comfortable with waiting. 

I own some land in central eastern Upshur, along the Middle Fork river. Has anyone been contacted in this area for a lease? I note from the WVGES map that 5 wells have been permitted in the area but none completed. What offers have you had? I was offered $100 plus 12.5% by EQT.
CNX has applied for 6 more horizontal permits in SE Upshur.
Thanks for the update.


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