
Perry County OH

All things pertaining to oil and gas leasing and drilling activity in Perry County.

Location: Somerset
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Sep 19, 2017

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Comment by Richard Cotterman on April 16, 2012 at 10:35am

The next meeting of the PCLA Group is April 25, 2012  6:00 PM at the Somerset Elementary in Somerset.

Everyone is welcome and bring a neighbor.


Comment by Richard Cotterman on March 28, 2012 at 7:23am

PCLA had their meeting on March 26 at 6:00 PM.

We had about 100 or so present. Barb Fox (Perry County Recorder) spoke on how to check your deeds to see if there are any old leases on your property. Rhonda Reda (Executive Director of the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Foundation) spoke on all the aspects of the oil and gas drilling and explained some of the work her foundation is doing in the community. It was very interesting. Richard (Dick) Emens Our Attorney was there to answer questions. We had a question and answer period  at the end of the meeting. We have approx. 3000 acres committed to our group. We are having another meeting in April. We will give you details later.



Comment by Richard Cotterman on March 9, 2012 at 4:00am

We are having another meeting of the PCLA Group on Monday March 26th. at 6:00 PM. at the Somerset Elementary on east main st. in Somerset.

Everyone is welcome.  We are growing.


Comment by Billy Park Whyde on March 2, 2012 at 11:15am

Richard another note here when ever a article hits the press locally or other wise it is always a good idea to try and comment, With anti frackers always seeking the press we should vice ourselves as well. 

Comment by Billy Park Whyde on March 2, 2012 at 8:21am

Yw O posted in my group as well, the more we know the better we will all be.

Comment by Richard Cotterman on March 2, 2012 at 8:08am

Thanks Billy for posting the article.

I knew they were there. I just did not have time to look for it.

We had a good informative meeting.


Comment by Billy Park Whyde on March 2, 2012 at 7:22am
Comment by Richard Cotterman on February 26, 2012 at 6:25am

Hi Billy,

I am on the steering committee for the Perry County Landowner's Group.

I have not seen any movement in our area. It just seams alot of the people in our area are not aware of anything about the oil and gas movement. We are trying to get the word out. If we hear anything we will let you know.


Comment by Billy Park Whyde on February 25, 2012 at 3:54pm

Hi Richard

  I started the Licking/ Muskingum County Group as I live on the county line.  As your to the south of us please keep us in mind as to what activities you might see going on down there! Landsman running around without hunter orange on, lol  to large lease grabs. Like wise if we know of anything we let ya know to. 

Thank Billy

Comment by Richard Cotterman on February 16, 2012 at 4:20am

The Perry County Landowner"s Association Inc.

The first public meeting will be March 1st. , 6:00 pm. at the Somerset Elementary school. Everyone Welcome.

The oil and gas movement is coming to Perry County whether we want it or not.  Be Informed before you sign anything.

Everyone needs information about leasing and it's many pitfalls whether they have an existing lease or they have no lease.

Those having an active lease should find out about all their options they might have even with an old lease.

Barb Fox  County Recorder

Dick Emens   our landowners oil and gas attorney

They both will be at the meeting to give reliable information about leasing and checking your deed for any old leasing activity.

Our group will try to explain what we are trying to accomplish and answer as many questions as we can.

Our Attorney fees will be 1% of the signing bonus. The committee will accept donations to cover Legal documents & informational forms.

Please invite all your friends and neighbors.




Members (18)


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