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  • Justin McCartney

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At 6:31am on January 10, 2010, Johnny said…
That will be great Kevin I will do that.
At 5:38pm on January 8, 2010, Johnny said…
Thanks Kevin went and saw Key today I think we have a gas rig we can sell them . My boss is working a side deal with 4 gas rigs.
So we will see if I get a comish on this I will pass it on thanks
Look like we found a shop and land that will work for us coming back in three weeks
At 3:28pm on January 7, 2010, Johnny said…
Thanks for the tip I will check out Key energy tomorrow when I drive back to Harrisburg do you know where Key is or if I ask around down there people will know where they are? Thanks everyone for all the leads and tips I am looking forward moving here, that is the plan right now is I return and start our shop and rental yard.
At 1:38pm on January 7, 2010, Johnny said…
Thanks Justin I will be heading up there tomorrow, I am finding out who the REAL pipelayer company are and the want to be's , and I feel we are going to give the Cat dealer a very good run for the money I have 15 sideboom boom up and ready to come to PA.Tomorrow is my last day in town but I will be back in two weeks.
At 1:07pm on November 4, 2009, Kevin said…
Justin do you need Hazmat also alot of advertising I'm see for jobs is just looking for people with tanker endorsment. I was kinda wondering about the hazmat part because if you were hauling frac water after they are done fracing the well wouldn't that be consider hazardous material. From what I'm reading some of the companys are recycling there water also.
At 12:59pm on November 4, 2009, Kevin said…
So which job are you going to take?
At 8:04am on November 4, 2009, Justin McCartney said…
The school i just finnished is training me for my Class B w/ haz/tank. which is awesome. I got offered a job w/ Frac Tech because of that, also Superior Well Services. That is def the way to go, it'll make you way more marketable, good luck again.
At 12:13pm on November 1, 2009, Justin McCartney said…
Hey Kevin, Justin again, another thing you want to do, is any activity you see, go talk to them, find out what's going on and show you want to be a part. Ask how you you can get a job w/ them. If you want it bad enough it'll show and you'll do it..
Good luck!!
At 10:53am on October 20, 2009, Justin McCartney said…
Thank you Kevin, you sound really interested and im sure you'll make something work.. this thing is huge and i believe it's gonna be bigger than the steel industry was to pa.. good luck, talk to ya later
At 1:35pm on October 19, 2009, Justin McCartney said…
Kevin, you pretty much gotta start at the bottom and work your way up.. you'd half to find a non-skilled entry level pos, maybe a roustabout on a rig or laborer w/ an excavation co. doing pipeline wrk.. see if you have any skills that would be valuable

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