Started this discussion. Last reply by william Allen. Ladd Dec 18, 2019. 2 Replies 0 Likes
I notice that the site has put up “DELETE” buttons next to some of my comments. But even more alarming is noticing some comment’s, like the one letting members know a little about ‘finance’ and the…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by william Allen. Ladd Dec 26, 2019. 52 Replies 1 Like
I see nothing on this site pertaining to NY. Have NY landowners given up all hope? I also do not see any help topics on ‘starting a group’, ‘joining a group’, ‘asking a member to befriend them’ or…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Dan Oct 9, 2019. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Throughout the last decade I have dealt with an issue, personal; but through interaction I found other’s were confused and bewildered as I. It seems most NG sites have vanished in this time. In the…Continue
OhHenree has not received any gifts yet
Does the name last name Leonard ring a bell? And what about the Geneva, New York telephone company office on Castle street? Another name is Hebblethwaite. What about the huge Snow Cruiser on its way to the south pole?
Interesting if there were some sort of connection. I did make a connection by describing a boyhood adventure by way of My friend's son had heard about this unlikely adventure from his father. He did not believe a word of it....that is until he read about it on the internet.
My military stint came just before Vietnam became a hot bed of fighting. I spent about half of active duty working for the signal corp. My job, however very simple, was being a member of a four man team stationed at Homestead AFB during the space race for about 6 months. The next 6 months were spent helping to set up and operating a tracking system in Puerto Rice during the very early space race. We were on our own except for a 24-7 duty. We made up our own hours except when tests were being run.
The greatest thrill came tracking Alan Shepard's first ride on a rocket and safely returning to earth..
So many years ago but the memories are still very vivid. But you know I received a personal "Thanks for my service" by only one person. And that was from a doctor a couple of years ago. While he was attending my wife in the hospital we struck up a conversation. Some how the conversation turned to military service. And I mention that I was blind in one eye.
"How in the world did you get drafted into service?"
My answer was "Maybe because I had a slight background in electronics and that a better physically abled man could then be released for combat service. "
I was pretty much at loose ends right then with no real commitments.
It has been a hell of a ride for 85 years but except for a few glitches, has been enjoyable!
Glad to hear from you
Granddad Ladd
Glad to hear from you. I am about 6 weeks short of being 85 years old. I have two grandsons, one about 3 and the other 13. I also have a step daughter about 56 years old. And I had another step daughter who died from diabetes about 20 years ago.
I was born in Geneva New York and lived there until my father wanted to move back to his boyhood home about 1949. (Westfield Pa.) The property has been in the Tuttle/Ladd family for a very long time. In fact Ayres Tuttle My great, great great great Grandfather was the first permanent settler in Westfield. I live on the property that my great Grandfather. Cyrus, bought 150 years or so ago..
So you see my roots go very deep here at Westfield.
My nature is to look at both sides of a question before making a decision. Condemning a person and bashing him or her for their opinion is not a great idea. Who knows....They might be right depending upon their particular situation.
That, in a nutshell is who I am!
Hope to be friends with you!
Granddad Ladd
Hello OhHenree,
My name is Bill Ladd. I made an observation about the fracting in New York state. Some of my friends were not in favor of fracking in their state and I can see their point. And I posted their opinions of their not wanting fracking in New York State.
Ralph cramdon totally misunderstood what my observation was saying. He decided that I personally approved of the banning of fracking in the state of New York. Since I live in Pennsylvania and I do have a few acres, about 15 acres, and I get a small monthly royalty, that I was making fun of and putting my approval of the banning of fracking in New York State.
Ralph could not understand that I was only posting some of the opinions of my friends in New York State.
Ralph seems to think he was left out of the benefits of New York fracking and that I approved of that banning. Ralph chose to continue his misunderstanding over and over again several times on another thread until I closed discussions and then he started again on another thread.
Granddad Ladd
Good Day,
How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( ) for the full details.
Have a nice day
Thanks God bless.
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