All Blog Posts (1,974)

Market Enhancement Clauses and Deductions

An extremely hot issue at the present time involves “post-production” costs and “deductions” that are being taken by gas companies from landowner’s royalty checks. Most landowners receiving royalty checks over the last few years have been receiving royalty payments under standard gas company “form” or “boilerplate” Leases. These “form” or “boilerplate” Leases do not seek to…


Added by Douglas A. Clark, Esq. on August 24, 2012 at 8:43am — 6 Comments

Not So Sweet Caroline

Last week the Town of Caroline, located just outside of Ithaca (heart of the anti-natural gas opposition), had a public hearing regarding a possible ban on natural gas development. The hearing was held in the Brooktondale Community Center and residents were allowed to speak for 3 minutes on the potential ban. A majority of residents attending the meeting were for the ban, of course, given the location but, while those opposing it were outnumbered, they seemed to be the only ones who had…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 24, 2012 at 3:55am — No Comments

"New" New York Needs Natural Gas

New York State has had a struggling economy now for quite some time, especially in Upstate where farmers are struggling to hold onto their land and businesses have been closing their doors for years. Governor Andrew Cuomo has realized New York needs more help than ever and is now trying to reach out to private sector businesses and encourage people to support New York businesses. Today the state launched a brand new marketing campaign, including a website in hope of helping the "New" New…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 23, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

NRDC Out of Its Depth on Ohio Injection Wells

EID-O's Shawn Bennett discusses the shortcomings of NRDC's recent blog post "New Ohio Fracking Waste Underground Injection Rules Still Second Class":

"The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has its sights set on Ohio, but it continues to drop the ball…


Added by Anne Carto on August 23, 2012 at 7:10am — No Comments

Corbett Kayaks Delaware As Antis Act Up

Early this morning, the two of us, together with Tom, had an opportunity to witness Governor Tom Corbett get in a kayak at Narrowsburg to paddle down the Delaware River. He launched from the Pennsylvania Fish Commission access just below the Narrowsburg bridge and, of course, a small group of natural gas opponents were there to greet him. However, there was also a determined group of natural gas advocates. We were there to capture it all.

Tom also treated us to a follow up drive-by of…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 23, 2012 at 6:18am — No Comments

Yogurt Culture Overheats

The recent viewpoint piece that appeared in some upstate papers under the signatures of Sandra Steingraber and Michelle Bamberger about natural gas threatening the burgeoning opportunities connected with yogurt is so hysterical it’s hard to know where to begin. The latter, of course, is one-half of the husband-wife team of “scientists” from Cornell who tried to turn a couple of anecdotes into a study about the impacts of natural gas development on animals and, by implication, human health.…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 22, 2012 at 7:45am — No Comments

Dimock Box Is Opened

Finally, at long last – justice. The Dimock saga comes to a blessed end with an announcement from Cabot Oil & Gas that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will lift the moratorium on the nine square mile area of the community (the “box”) so the company can finish developing well pads and units in the small bucolic town. Readers of this blog will recall the appeal, last year, of resident Esther Rayias to lift the moratorium.

Justice was delayed a bit when…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 21, 2012 at 2:56pm — No Comments

UGI Brings Natural Gas Benefits Home

The latest hearing for a proposed Luzerne County compressor station lasted over five hours with expert testimony from the applicant, UGI Energy Services. UGI is looking to build the compressor station off North Ridge Lane with the intent of pressurizing natural gas coming from northeast counties. The natural gas coming into this compressor station will then be used to supply the residents of Wilkes-Barre and Scranton with natural gas from the Marcellus Shale. Residents are already getting a…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 21, 2012 at 8:58am — No Comments

Compulsory Integration in a Changing Energy World

Attorney Chris Denton

Oil and gas lease attorney, Elmira, New York

To understand Compulsory Integration one must first understand a few fundamentals of Oil and Gas Law in New York State.

Although New York State was an early developer of…


Added by Nicole Jacobs on August 20, 2012 at 4:18am — No Comments

Support Natural Gas Education

How would you like to shoot a dozen and a half birdies (or maybe more) in the same round? Instead of a driver, a 5 iron and a putter, you’ll be using something like an “over and under,” and the “birdies” will be disks made of baked clay or some modern substitute. The game we’re talking about here is called “sporting clays,” and it’s often described as “golfing with a shotgun.”

If you’ve never tried the sport, which has been kicking around this country only since 1980, here’s your…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 19, 2012 at 1:14pm — No Comments

Ohio horizonal well data

Is there a web site or sites that  gives you all of the data for Ohio horizonal  wells. Information such as location, who drilled the well, date permits pulled, date completed, how many acres in well drilling unit, any production data either current or historic data. In other words, info needed to compare any and all Ohio horizonal wells with each other........... Many thanks in Advance, Gary

Added by gary SWF on August 19, 2012 at 8:50am — No Comments

Let's Get the Language Right on Natural Gas

Chris Denton says:

Whatever may be the merits of developing the natural gas resources of New York State, we can all agree that understanding the process and nomenclature provides the best starting point for all discussions.

Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 18, 2012 at 1:40pm — No Comments

Hotel Owner Says Enough Is Enough with Protestors

Cayuta Hotel Owner Frank Maines says:

"As I read the hysterical letters about natural gas from the tiny handful of folks I previously described as “tree-huggers,” I begin to wonder: Will my water breathe fire? Will earthquakes occur as in Texas? Will the devil demons inhabit the Finger Lakes as the backyard movie-makers suggest? As they beg for donations for their futile cause, and after intense deliberation, I have made my decision. I am one of the silent majority who will welcome…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 17, 2012 at 11:15am — No Comments

Signed with Turner/Antero

An independent attorney reviewed the Antero lease as proposed.  We signed at $5,200/20% with no changes for 20 acres. If anyone needs an attorney name, I'll be happy to provide it.  The Turner landman was responsive and has excellent followup skills. 

Added by Stephen Fopeano on August 17, 2012 at 9:32am — 4 Comments

Yogurt Goes Good with Natural Gas

Cherie Messore says:

"If only it had been like the Oikos commercial on TV. You know, the one where actor-singer-hottie John Stamos appears after you eat a spoonful of Greek yogurt. Alas, the protest outside the “Yogurt Summit” in Albany featured a couple dozen protestors (with no resemblance to Stamos), a few placards and (reportedly) a few kids suited up like dead cows. By the way, I’m not a parent, but isn’t making your kid impersonate a dead animal a form of child…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 17, 2012 at 3:45am — No Comments

Missed mineral rights deadline

   My great grandparents owned mineral rights in Ohio. It was passed down to their great grandkids, which I am one of them. But by the time I got a lawyer and filed to put the mineral rights in my name it was one day past the 60 days to file. Now the surface owner has claimed our mineral rights. Is there anything I can do to get them back? Bonnie

Added by Bonnie Crawford on August 16, 2012 at 3:54pm — No Comments

What the Heck Do These Darned Protestors Want Anyway?

Another weekend, another protest in Watkins Glen as the “fracktivist” proclaimed “Summer of Solidarity” continues. As such, we’ll be heading up to Watkins Glen Friday afternoon for another protest. This protest is against Inergy’s proposed LPG storage facility, where Gas Free Seneca, although not the organizer of this event, continues to speak out against the project. For our part, before the protest we will spend time in solidarity with our communities at two games celebrating America’s…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 16, 2012 at 10:07am — No Comments

Ohio State Rep. Al Landis: As Utica Shale Development Grows so Does Ohio’s Economy

Ohio once again has the opportunity to lead the nation, this time in economic growth and job creation in the field of natural resource development, primarily in developing oil and natural gas. We are fortunate that this opportunity has presented itself to eastern Ohio, which has the potential to create hundreds,…


Added by Anne Carto on August 16, 2012 at 2:29am — No Comments

More on That Failed Horseheads Protest

Saturday morning a group of about 150 anti-natural gas folks got together to protest natural gas development in New York State. We provided a live report that day but there’s a lot more to tell. This was like some Back to the Future time machine trip to the 1960′s without the magic or the DeLorean and nothing but the eccentric Doc Brown. It was totally anti-climatic – a protest that, in the end, and, in a word, bombed like a poor comedy routine.

The protestors began by meeting at a…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on August 15, 2012 at 1:56am — No Comments

Natural Gas, Little League and a Vote4Energy

I am so proud to say that I am from Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The city is the home of the Little League World Series, an event where for the next couple of weeks our community comes alive and opens our arms to people from all over the world. The fever has already started this past week as division championships took place to decide which teams would get to play on famous Lamade Field in South Williamsport. It’s certainly an exciting time in our region.

Williamsport is also now…


Added by Nicole Jacobs on August 13, 2012 at 8:44am — No Comments

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