Chesapeake and Range execs call for disclosure of frac chemicals

Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy, and John Pinkerton, CEO of Range Resources have both called for demystifying the chemicals used in hydro-fracturing gas wells. The Range CEO indicated it was actually oilfield service companies who didn't want to disclose data about the chemicals--considering them to be trade secrets--and had the oil and gas E & P companies under contract not to release the information. The big three oil field service companies are Halliburton, Schlumberger, and BJ Services. View the original Reuters article: Natgas execs seek disclosure of Marcellus drilling chemicals

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Comment by Tom Copley on October 1, 2009 at 5:55am
Scott-- Thanks! I am far from being any expert, but have noticed that the signing bonuses being paid in SW Pa are running a lot lower than NE Pa. The drilling companies have a longer term viewpoint than merely the various up and downswings in gas futures prices. It's not like the gas is going anywhere fast until its drilled. What will increase the value of the land to potential suitors the most is to build up the size of your land group. 7,000 more or less contiguous acres, although a lot of work for you to set up, is going to sound much more juicy than 700 and should greatly enhance your leverage. I'm probably not telling you something you don't already know. --Tom
Comment by scott m on October 1, 2009 at 5:22am
Hello Tom, I respect your opinions and value what you bring to this site. With Nat Gas around 4.8 per thousand, almost double what it was 4-6 weeks ago, will this bring out more players and the lease and royality rates that go with that. I am in SW Pa and did put together a land group of about 700 acres, all continuous. Chesapeake has shown alot of interest, but the offer is in my opinion only just OK. Your thoughts please. Thanks, Scott
Comment by Tom Copley on October 1, 2009 at 4:00am
Michael-- Here's a great resource for that! According to the wiki there appears to have been in the neighborhood of 4,000 permits for 2008-2009 in Bradford County. In the lead--Chesapeake Energy with over 2,000 permits.--Tom
Comment by Michael Antrim on October 1, 2009 at 3:40am
How do you get information on well permits and where they are located at. i heard Bradford county has had alot of permits requested.
Comment by Tom Copley on September 26, 2009 at 4:26am
There is also a link through to the DEP list of chemicals Rita mentions at the bottom of the wiki page on hydro-fracturing.
Comment by Rita McConnell on September 26, 2009 at 4:08am
Keep in mind, you can find out what the chemicals themselves are already, on DEPs website, the River Reporters Web site and in the DOE Shale primer thats posted on this site as well as others (pages 62 and 63). What Range and Chesapeake are looking for here is for services companies to release their specific recipes for frac fluids.

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