I brought a lady to a gas well last saturday in PA. She informed me that in seneca county (geneva area) they were fighting the development of natural gas. They DIDNT WANT ANYONE fracking with there water! Being in the business kinda-sorta, I needed to drop off a part in PA- so I invited her to come with me. I showed her the (alleged)"bad congestion of trucks", the "bad" traffic, and the horrible lanscape it left. She was VERY surprised at what she saw. The traffic was light on 14 south to troy pa, hardly any trucks, and could NOT belive the end product they had left! Muddy- however, the land DIDN'T consume acres, and was impressed by the entire industry. They (company men) were polite (as usual), helpful, and very knowledgeable. They answered all questions, and she walked away very surprised, and assured that all would be fine. It is amazing what you can acomplish by educating the public on this issue. It would be to the industry's benifit to actually take folks out on a couple of these wells. She walked away changing her mind on the issue!
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