I just attended the Northwest PA landowners group.   They covered alot of information.


I was curious if anyone had watched the following 15 minute video???  It really made me think, what is going on that they are not telling us.  ???   Any ideas out there?




Its a documentary called fracking hell.




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 If you believe this video as being true, you need to quit watching those promotional videos that are designed to bring fear out of the folks that know nothing about drilling and fracking. Maybe going to the Pa DEP website and spend some hours..... start looking up facts and figures....You will see what I'm saying IF you are truly looking for the truth.  The facts don't exist to backup 90% of what they say and show. 


Oh so they don't use thousands of gallons of chemicals?  The information of the PA DEP website is true??? 


Whats going to happen in the future, to the land?  Does anyone even know?


Why has New York State banned Fracking all together?

On the surface, this documentary seems well done and logical.  But the viewer should watch it with a critical eye.  Yes, I am on the side of those who want the fracking.  I'll admit fracking can be dangerous, just like so many human activities.  There is risk in nearly everything we do.  The question really is how do we manage the risk.  When an oil well in the Gulf blows out, we do some serious damage to the earth. But we have to weigh the benefits against the risks.  Folks, you do this every time you get into your car.  Driving is one of the most unsafe activities we do, yet most of us *choose* to do it every day because we believe, on balance, the rewards outweigh the risks.

I welcome those who are against fracking to continue to look at the activity with a critical eye and even post on this website if you like. But from what I see, this technology, while having some inherent risks, is manageable and can be done safely.  There will be spills, some contaminated water wells, and some other problems.  On balance, however, the rewards outweigh the risks and we should move forward.  If NY chooses not to do so, good for them.  I'm a firm believer in the 10th amendment.

Ever been swimming in a pool?



Yes, the chemicals used on the wellsite don't make tasty beverages but adding 1million gallons of water makes most things pretty benign.


Fracing isn't the issue, only the lightning rod.  I'm more than happy to debate the utility of gas drilling (heavy truck traffic, noise, rural scenery, etc - very valid concerns) but am tired of people pointing fingers at a small step in the process.

I believe New York state had a moratorium on fracking that was recently lifted.

This one is interesting too.



Please folks don't believe this propaganda. The facts are twisted.
I value the position of this site to evict any or all postings without solid facts to backup statements when called on.
Ron, let them post if they like.  You and I could do a similar documentary on the dangers of gasoline.  Think about it, gasoline leaching into the ground water from old tanks in abandoned and even working gas stations.  Spills from a gas tanker that wrecks on a country road beside a pristine trout stream. Gasoline that leaks into someone's tap water due to leaking pipes.  Gasoline pumps that even state right on them that exposure to gasoline has been shown to cause cancer.  I'm sure if we searched hard enough, we could find examples of all these problems involving gasoline.  Yet I'll bet far less than 1% of the driving public would be willing to embrace a moratorium on gasoline tankers, filling stations, and internal combustion engines. Because we all know the benefits of this far outweigh the risks. We manage the risks and go on with our lives.  And, despite all the chemicals, radiation, bacteria and other nasty stuff we expose ourselves to day in and day out, our life expectancy just continues to rise year after year.  Life is good!
George; Great post.  We could also do a similar piece on solar cells as they use highly toxic materials in the manufacturing process, are a danger to install, blow off of roofs in storms, and are dangerous to dispose of.
Absolutely.  And you know what?  If I could buy enough solar cells at a reasonable price and use them to light and heat my home, I'd install them tomorrow because again the reward would outweigh the risk.  But we all know solar just isn't there yet but let's keep working on it and maybe someday it will be.  Innovation is the key, not government subsidies.

Hundreds of companies have been researching solar power since OPEC started in the 70s. And universities all across the country get hundreds of millions every year to do additional research. Yet they are still far from being economically competitive or even a practical source of energy at any price.  And the manufacturing process is very bad for Mother Earth.


We should get a group of landowner/gas companies to finance a Michael Moore style expose'.....except we won't have to lie or mislead anyone.


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