We have property in Trumbull County and have been told by ALOV two more weeks but they have said that 3 times.  I am concerned about the length of time it is taking versus what they said it would take.  Has anyone else heard that they are promoting somewhere around $4000 or $4500 an acre and around 18% in royalties.  I have also heard people in the area  say that those per acre prices will start coming down as the companies expand into Trumbull County.  We have had interest at $1500 to $2000 per acre and 15% royalties and the ALOV proposal has more but I am not sure if it will really come true.

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Ron, whats the scoop??


My source  is very reputable and will not devulge anything but facts, so hang on when I know I will advise.


Sounds exciting!  Thank you for keeping us up to date.  It is very much appreciated.  :-)

Did you join the Marcellus Utica Landowners Assn.?

ALOV of Trumbull County

Chesapeake has declared Fowler a "Sweet Spot" for oil.  They are offering landowners $5000 an acre for land leases!

Do you have contact information for this offer?

My brother recently attended a meeting for landowners in our area.  I do not know who led the meeting, but one of the landowners--a farmer we've known for years--who owns a farm on Ridge Road informed my brother that he recently signed a lease with Chesapeake for $5K.  He advised us to contact Chesapeake to get in on the deal.  

so everyone was so fast to question bob rea's intentions and keeping the website updated ---i dont see any comments about the article in yesterdays tribune that alov for trumbull county has a meeting saturday and i received my letter in the mail yesterday admitting me to the meeting..Thank you Bob Rea you did a fantastic job and im looking forward to saturday...


The only thing that separates Trumbull from Mahoning is an imaginary line...... unless the disposal/exploration wells tells us otherwise.

I'm with you, Theresa.  I never questioned his motives.  How could you, when he's doing it for no price?  Just the processing fee.  I'm just so grateful that there is someone out there helping everyone that neither have the knowledge, education nor time (many people work a lot of hours to stay afloat in today's economy) to do this on his/her own.  I think what he is doing is more than fantastic. 

I agree with Theresa and Amanda. Good job Bob Rae.


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