We have property in Trumbull County and have been told by ALOV two more weeks but they have said that 3 times.  I am concerned about the length of time it is taking versus what they said it would take.  Has anyone else heard that they are promoting somewhere around $4000 or $4500 an acre and around 18% in royalties.  I have also heard people in the area  say that those per acre prices will start coming down as the companies expand into Trumbull County.  We have had interest at $1500 to $2000 per acre and 15% royalties and the ALOV proposal has more but I am not sure if it will really come true.

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Wish all of you at ALOV and Bob Rae the very best.  

Hello to all, I dont think any ALOV members criticized Bob Rae, although we did have some "Nervous Nellies" needing reassured opportunities had not passed. The trouble was just landmen trying to stampede ALOV members to the exit door.

ALOV and Mr. Rae's victories are victories for all area residents who seek leases. Also many unemployed who will have opportunities as a result of the site development, drilling and service of these wells.

Dont forget that we must hold our public official's responsible for the additional tax monies that will be collected and deposited in the public coffers, and that they spend it wisely on programs that benefit all residents and schoolchildren, or better yet on reduction of our deficite's.  

 I got my letter in todays mail and my good neighbor Craig, stopped by to double check with me so i would not miss the meeting, Thanks again Craig. I hope its the good news we have all been waiting for. 

Heres hoping all the right addendums to the lease language passed the scrutiny of the high bidder and will be included in the final copy to sign.

All i have to say now is "show me the money". Good luck to all

Great news, guys!  Now for we that are just a few miles north of you to see what happens here!

Hi Edward, With the ALOV meeting being Saturday, i have a feeling that by Monday morning the news of the offer will be spread far and wide. With ALOV paving the way, very soon after that anyone should be able to get the current top dollar with or without a landowners group, lease language aside.

I think that if the politics dont kill us good things will come for all of us in northeast Ohio very soon. We will keep you posted. Good Luck

OHHH by the way folks, our friends at Wishy, Washy, W***G****have posted a large classified and also a one half page ad in the Middlefield edition of the Good News (weekly trading/auction paper).

So hopefully our dear friends will be so busy in Geauga Co. pushing their marketing agreements, they will leave us in peace for awhile.

This should then allow for time for the local media to catch hold of ALOV's current offer, which might also aid in averting financial discontent and regret in our neighbors who might have been tempted by the W***G**** Bull. They might then have a chance to broker their own deal direct with the O&G company of their choice or get a group of their own started.

I know this line of reasoning might be a stretch but one can always hope, right?

Sorry must have been daydreaming, lol

Does anyone know anything about a group called Penn-Ohio Development out of Mercer, Pa?

aanyone hear how the meeting for trumbull at the packard hall goes please post, thanks.


When is it?

meeting is today. not sure what time


Don't be concerned, Trumbull ALOV has no takers.


Landowners are learning to believe prices when holes are punched within their counties.


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