I am one of the Wyoming County land owners that has not signed a gas lease yet.  Most of the land owners around me signed with Chesapeake under the Wyoming County Land Owners Associaton late last year.  I have been talking to Chesapeake recently and they are now only offering $3,750 per acre with a 20% royalty.  I told them I needed at least the $5,750 that Chesapeake gave the land owners group and he said they made a big mistake and never should have signed that contract.  I have decided to wait for a better offer.  Has anyone else had any recent offers from Chesapeake? 

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If you talk to any pipeline co be sure to consult or use the pipeline lease contract from the WCLG.  Go to   pamarcellusshale.com  Very landowner protective and has already been negotiated with chk appalachian so don't let anyone tell you they can't work with it.

Jack or anyone else,

Does anyone have a copy of the wclg pipeline lease. It is no longer on site Thanks

Just an fyi that there is a new offer from Chesapeake to the original Tunkhannock Landowners group whose leases expire 2/16/2012 for $500 an acre.  There is a group formed again and have had meetings with several companies who would like to negotiate for the group.  If you haven't been contacted by Chesapeake or are not aware of the meetings, let me know and I will get you information on the next meeting.

I have not heard anything about any meetings.  Why is Chesapeake offering such a small amount up front.  The group originally signed for $5,750.  Is this some kind of a special price to renew the people who originally signed?

Please send me any information you have we are  not in any group, but would like to know what is going on and if there is a posibility of getting in a group we would be intrested. mwnotary@comcast.net

Jim, the leases that expire 2/16/12 were signed for $45 an acre.  This was before the $5750 that Wyoming Co. Landowners signed over a year later.   They are offering a two year lease for $500.  Marianne, we are looking at two different companies to negotiate for us.  The more acres the better.  The group has about 4000 committed now, so if you are not leased I will let you know where the next meeting is going to be. 

we are not leased yet with anyone, i would like to be kept in the loop, even though 500.00 dollars doesn't sound good . we have 52.99 acres, in monroe twp, wyoming county. we live quite a distance away, so your information is apreciated. The last offer we were given was 5750.00 but they pulled the leases before the signing date because of the economy.

We have 161acres in Wyoming county that we want to lease. The problem is we live out of state and need to have good communication on joining a landowner group. Can someone please keep us informed on any group meetings, contact information etc.

There is a meeting Dec. 28 at 7:00 at the Evans Falls School with just landowners, no negotiators, so the neighbors can decide who they want to hire.  There will be an agreement document that each landowner will need to sign if you want to be involved with the group and negotiations.   The more acreage involved in negotiating the more we will get from the gas company.  They want contiguous acreage.  So far there is about 4000 acres.  If you email me your address, I can send you the paperwork that we get and keep you in the loop.  I know it must be hard to be out of the area and trying to figure out what to do.  It's hard enough for those of us who live here.  A lot of the group don't even have email, so a lot of phone calls and snail mail to get them together.  Hope this info helps.


Janet yes please email me the paperwork, and please keep me informed i appreciate your help, and have a Merry Christmas

marianne wengert


Will do!  Hope you have a Merry Christmas too!


I too would like you to email me the paperwork for the group and to keep me informed.
Thanks so much and have a great holiday.



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