The ongoing dispute between the Jewett Sportsman's club and Chesapeake Energy continues. The issue is whether Chesapeake Energy have the surface rights to be on property. The Sportmans' Club's legal representation tell "We are certain that Chesapeake, its employees, agents, and workers do not have the right to enter the Jewett Sportsmen and Farmers Club, Inc.'s property to explore and extract coal, oil & gas, or other minerals."

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I'm with you Dan

Adios.....when you paint yourself in a corner it's usually best to quit.....have a nice day :)

Folks, I respectfully request that we all refrain from any further personal jabs. Some of the personal opinions posted should have been kept to one's self. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they should not be confrontational towards another poster. I should have stated this earlier but respectfully request your cooperation in this matter now. Thanks.

So what's the word at the JSC???.....are we drilling yet?

why do i sense there is some quiet negotiating going on somewhere?

Here's a current story on the CHK vs Sportsman's Club from todays Cleveland PD. See the link...


Temporary pad/work area could indeed cover 12 acres while drilling and completing the well(s). Permanent pad site could cover as much as 6 acres depending on how many wells are drilled from that pad.

The writer indicated a 12 acre concrete pad. I believe she is full of BS as are most reporters. CHK may have poured a small concrete pad where the well bores would enter the ground but there is no way CHK poured 12 acres of concrete on the JSC. The writer also indicated one of the reasons the JSC formed was so they could hunt jackrabbits. We don't have jackrabbits in Ohio. We have the Cottontail Rabbit in Ohio. The trouble with reporters is that they often write about things of which they have little understanding and therefore aren't able to discern fact from fiction/opinion. I urge anyone who read and questioned this article to contact the writer and start asking questions.

Ask how she verified the "facts" presented in the article. You may be surprised at the response you get.

lol...maybe someone should invite her to go snipe hunting

would this not have any meaning on drilling at the spotsmans club

1509.022 Location of wells using directional drilling.

Except as provided in section 1509.021 of the Revised Code, the surface location of a new well that will be drilled using directional drilling may be located on a parcel of land that is not in the drilling unit of the well.

Added by 129th General Assembly File No. 28, HB 153, § 101.01, eff. 9/29/2011.

why is whats going on here the worlds biggest secret?.....the numbers being tossed about are HUGE

Has this finally been settled?  This is the last news that I could find from last March:


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