I'm pretty sure this is not the first time this link has been posted but it's been awhile.
Since I'm on the iPad I can't open it since it will not fit the screen so smart phones also cannot be used just to let you know. I hear its a fun link showing where all the wells are currently in Ohio. I have to get my laptop out to play with it sometime today but I thought I would share now since I've had it for a few days.

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You may want to start following BICS Ohio Well map thread.  In my opinion he makes the best open source gas well maps.


I saw that late last week and down loaded google earth to see as instructed, but I guess the iPad has a serious flaw since not one time on the iPad did goggle earth bring me to where the links said they would. One time I was in Europe. I don't understand why google earth and this device hate each other. I can google earth my house without issues but so far none of those links worked for me. Obviously this reply is not a positive advertisement for the iPad :0).

The map layers are turned off when you first open Google Earth.  You will need to check the box of the map layer that you want to see. Then click on the layer name and Google Earth should take you there. I have not tried viewing on an iPad but this is how it works on Macs and Windows.

Kathleen, my apologizes, you are right.  It does not seem to be possible to open up the Google Earth maps with the iPad.  Our IT guy and I tried everything and we were not able to open any of them.  I guess you will have to use a regular computer if you want to view them.  Sorry.

Oh that's okay. I didnt see your first reply until now. My second or fifth try I did take a decent look at those boxes and layers were checked. Isn't it weird it won't work. What country did it take you too? I'm breaking out the old heavy laptop tonight to view this link and those other links. Thanks for trying.

I think it was Spain.

Here, hee. I'm closer to getting the iPad to open google earth properly, you have to turn pop up blockers off.


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