There are rumors of BP making a bid on Chesapeake and a Louisiana News Station reported Exxon's buying out of Chk. Any thoughts?

BP jumps; traders cite talk of bid for Chesapeake
Reuters - 2 hours ago
LONDON, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Shares in British energy group BP (BP.L) rose more than 3 percent on Monday as traders cited market talk that the company was ...
BP moves higher on market talk of possible Chesapeake bid, UK - 3 hours ago
A buoyant stock market tends to bring out the rumours, and this afternoon is no exception. BP is 17.5p higher at 505p after traders heard tell it might be ...
Options Update: Chesapeake Energy Calls Popular on BP Buyout ...
Schaeffers Research, OH - 25 minutes ago
by Joseph Hargett ( 1/26/2009 1:15 PM Speculation is swirling around Chesapeake Energy (CHK: sentiment, chart, options) and British oil ...

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If you used your credit cards to pay off your mortgage...waited 90 days, transferred the title into someone elses name, and then filed bankruptcy what would you have? Exactly...its just a bigger game!

What you would have is Bankruptcy Fraud, and what you would have is 5 to 7 in the Federal facility of their choosing... kind of like what Aubrey is facing.

Oh that's right...everything on Wall street is on the up- in -up...just keep reading your financials on CHK. and see what road that takes you down.

So... reading between your not so subtle lines... its OK to hoodwink investors (secure personal loans as CEO from the same firm that loans money to your company, run a commodity hedge fund out of your office while you are simultaneously CEO and are highly involved in hedging decisions for CHK), etc ... since all of Wall Street is crooked. 

It's a rigged game for the ultra wealthy...always has been...always will be. Why do you think there is online trading...the wealthy are stealing the common man blindly every single day. There's only one Playbook...and just when you feel you got it figured out...they change playbooks. Its that simple

...and so all of this leads you to conclude that CHK is a buy?  Good luck with that logic.

That's your problem...your using logic. That's not how Wall street operates...if it did 1/10th of 1% of the population wouldn't have all the power.

I already told you the methodology I employ... and by the way, I'm real happy being short CHK.  How you doing being long?

Junkie... not that you give a rats patootie but I had a buy cover order in at $13.99 that got triggered/executed at the close today.  Pigs get fat... hogs get slaughtered.  Hope CHK goes up for you... but I doubt it will turn around anytime soon. 

Congrats you can play like the big boys...they make money going down as well as up...just learn how to ride on their shirt tails.
Are you sale...really. A fire sale would be 3 bucks a share...not $14.
Stock is down 60%+ in the last year. Market cap is a little over $9 billion and debt is ~$10 billion. Bad, bad sign. Poorly run companies tend to get swallowed up by better ones.


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