Lowell Area Landowners Group is accepting final sign ups for these 3 townships. The group is being represented by SOEC (www.southernohioenergyconsultantsllc.com) and have been in negotiations with several different companies that cannot be listed do to confidentiality agreements between the parties. Sign on bonus payment, royalties, and lease language is being finalized between the groups. Any interested parties in these townships, please see the web page above for LALG contact information. We wish everyone in the state of Ohio and beyond, the best of luck as the Utica Shale play continues to develop.

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Thanks Michael, and good luck to all of you in the western parts of the county and beyond. SOEC continues to represent the landowner in a top notch professional manner.  Wishing you the best, WLW

I hope you get a great deal and set the standards high for the rest of us!!!

Thanks Steve. I will be happy with a good lease, decent sign on bonus and acceptable royalties. Maybe we will get the ball rolling in this county. Best of luck to you and your group.

WLW...do you think you will be able to get more than 3000/acre?

Raf22.... Right now there is not much interest in Washington county from the O & G companies. People can hold out, but with some of the activity going on in other counties and even other states that is hard to say. It's all a gamble. If you hold out you may get more, or nothing at all. If you hold out and get more, but sign a poor lease, you could lose what you've held out for in a very short time. Sadly, no one really knows. 

Anything new for Waterford township since your post? Thanks


You can contact the group of SOEC and they can fill you in on the latest for Waterford Twp. The Waterford Twp landowners signed with our LALG last month. The title work is taking place at the courthouse.

You can contact the reps at SOEC who can lead you in the right direction. Their web site is www.southernohioenergyconsultantsllc.com



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