Just received in the mail this morning a letter from Bounty Minerals, LLC, out of Fort Worth, TX stating they are interested in making an offer on a portion or all of my mineral rights, whether I'm leased or not.  Has any one else heard from them?  Our property is in Butler County, Clay Township, and this is the first time I've received any type of offer like this, even though these offers seem to be prevalent in other areas.

We're not considering anything like this at this time, but I'm wondering if there is any connection to people starting to receive such offers, and the start of any drilling activities?

Anybody have any ideas?



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Also received this letter today.  This is the second letter I've received from someone interested in buying a portion of my oil, gas, & mineral rights.

My read on this is that if you want some of your royalty money "up front" to invest (or spend) immediately, then these are the people to contact.  My bet is their offer is no where close to what a successful well would pay in royalty checks to you over time.

They have a web site:   www.bountyminerals.com.  On that site they say state:  "Bounty Minerals was formed to buy oil and gas minerals in the United States. We offer oil and gas mineral owners a fair valuation of their interest based on sound engineering analysis". 

I take the above statement to mean that their "engineering analysis" must be telling them we have a good area for gas production.

Would definitely recommend that anyone ineterested if this should run it by an attorney before responding.

Perhaps someone on the forum has already disussed opitons with them and will share.












Thanks, Ken.




Cross Creek Royalties is a local firm that purchases royalty and mineral interests. We are located in Washington County, PA.

Give us a call for a no-obligation quote: 724-825-4038



Emory Redd

talked to them 11-16-12 and they will give you $3000 per ac but they get the royalties money, fast cash!

All manner of "offers in the mail" reach everyone daily.  This one caught your attention because it originated in one drilling state and reached you in another drilling state.  Liken it to the Publisher's Clearing House.  Courthouse records are public.  I'm betting this firm accessed contact information from courthouses all over shale states and blanketed them with such "offers".  Do some more homework and Google this firm inside, outside and upside-downside.  You might find something surprising .. you might not.  But don't sign anything without further research.  If you're absolutely destitute or the earth will stop spinning unless you sign, then the deal might be worth your while.  What do you think?

I likewise got a letter stating the same.

Interesting, if you go to their website.

In Pennsylvania, they are interested in Venango, Butler,Westmoreland,Beaver,

Lawrence, Mercer counties.

Look also at WVA, and the counties they are interested in, and,

likewise with Ohio.

You will notice that they are all side by side.

Also mentioned on their web site, they are interested in "Natural Gas Rich in Liquids"

Looks like they are after a 'sure' play.

And if we are in one of these locations, wonder what we are sitting on?

You are sitting on resources far too valuable to blindly sign away, Terry.  You asked a valid question.  At $3,000 AC or whatever the offer is, that may seem like a great deal whether you have 6 AC or 600 AC. 

In any lease deal companies are offering upfront money that is "chump change" when compared to what they are intending to get from the production angle (royalties).  That's where the sustained major income lies.  Who wants it more ... you or them?  Don't worry. You can live off a pension and Social Security. Royalty income isn't needed to pad your bank account.   (Tongue in cheek comments are sometimes my specialty.)

Truly I hope ALL GMS members follow this thread because if a few are acknowledging receiving letters like this, you can bet 1,000's  of other have too.  Let's spread this cautionary info to all rights owners.  Many are not computer users, but still need to know what's going on.  Talk it up, folks!

$3000 per acre does not seem like a very good offer for royalties unless I am missing something.  I agree with Janice someone wouldn't offer serious money like that if the odds weren't in their favor that they'd have a much better return on their investment.

Thanks, Janice, you make a great point.  I appreciate your response.




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