It seems more evident now that the sweetest spot of the utica. the spot with the most production The most profitable. the best mix of 75% ligiuds,25% dry gas,  M/L. is gonna be southwestern Harrison county/ northeastern Guernsey co. OHIO. anyone got any proof to the contrary?

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We hope so. Hopefully it makes Washington Twp a more attractive place to drill.


  I don't know. Shugert 1-1H is pretty far west in Belmont, albeit on the SE corner of Kirkwood Township west of Cty Rd 100 & So of I-70.  Shugert 1-12H is close by and ~1 mile west of 1-1H. I guess it depends on which wet gas zone map is currently applicable!!


I think those zone maps are still moving targets.

Hello Finnbear,

  No question about that! And I think they are most "in-play" in the southern Utica region where there are still few data points. But the available data seems favorable for Belmont County. Have you seen any Belmont Cty well results from XTO?


You can check out what they say about the shugert wells production reports at these 2 sites. They're both in Belmont county, kirkwood township which they say are the 2 top producing wells in Ohio.

What do you guys think of Enervest/EV Energy's acreage? Their Ohio holdings map on page 6

What is the outlook for areas in the "Volatile/light oil"  window?  As compared to the "wet gas" areas?

Ed, I would do a search on evervest here since it was posted somewhere that this co. is doing what this co does best which is make money by selling. They are planning or did put some acreage up for sale. I can't remember where that acreage was in ohio but it was in this state.
I don't know, that's why I ask here. So little drilling going on outside of the wet gas window, it's hard to know. The scarcity of information makes it hard for both landowners and investors. The drillers know the cards they are holding. We dont.

They hold all the cards.....hard to play poker without any cards.



They know what is down there.

They know what they are willing to pay for a lease

They know where the UNITS will be

They know where the pads will be

They know when they will drill

They know where the pipelines will be



Very true Paul. But as landowners we have the ace in the hole, minerals.


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