We have been unable to find much information about DUX Petroleum LLC, a company offering to lease land in Washington County, Ohio.

It occurred to us that if we asked members of gomarcellusshale to help search, together we could learn more.

Please help search and post what ever you find.

The website for DUX Petroleum LLC is: http://duxpetro.com/ but there are no links of any kind - no telephone number or address, no "about us" links or any other information.

A search on corporationwiki.com lead to this link:


A search on bizapedia.com came up with this link:


From them we learned that:

DUX Petroleum LLC was founded 10/25/12

It has a single member: Adam Popejoy

Its principle address is: 4403 48th St., Lubbock, TX 79414-3601

Because DUX Petroleum LLC is so new there is very little information about it. The only option may be to search for more information about Adam Popejoy and any of the companies he is associated with,

Please post anything you learn.

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Once again your talking but not saying anything. I can copy and paste my post again if you didn't understand it?

Thanks for correcting me and pointing out that it is Washington Co. Ohio. I think my concerns still are valid. Amazing that anyone would consider what appears to be a one man band! The corporation was apparently formed 10/25/2012. How can anyone take this outfit seriously. Dril lBaby's last response to me was an insult. I really was not offended, since people who have no answers oftentimes resort to hurling insults! I have learned to just laugh!

SIMPLE MATH: Malinda says DUX has 40,000 acres. Drill BABY says he is offered $4050 / acres. Where in blue blazes is a corporation with no available financials, no apparent telephone #, no track record, and only in business since 10 /25/12 going to come up with $162,000,000 dollars just to pay the bonus money. I am rolling on the ground laughing so hard that my stomach hurts. Where are the financials? And apparently DUX is not in good standing with the state of Texas. HA HA HA HA HA.! Just outrageous to think that Drill BABY and Malinda promote DUX! The question is WHY??

As an outsider with absolutely no dog in this fight, this thread is  concerning.  As stated countless times on this site we all need to do endless homework and just when we think we've completed that phase of the process go back and do some more.  IMO Sam has raised some very valid points.

jb 379: You are a good man. I have read your posts in the past and find them thoughtful. I think you and I, and many others, who post to this website raise questions and try to help other landowners from making  foolish decisions that may cost them dearly. DUX is an LLC, a limited liability corporation, which means that any legal judgment obtained against it in a court of law could reach only the assets of that LLC. If you obtain a judgment against BP, Chevron, Antero, Gulfport, Range Resources, Shell, XTO or any number of other well capitalized companies, you can be sure that the judgment is collectable. With DUX... very doubtful! So the fact that DUX's lease language may be great, you likely would not be able to collect a judgment in the event that it failed to honor the terms of the lease including the payment of bonus money. Thanks for appreciating my concerns. I too have no real dog in this fight!

Because people want to believe...they can taste the money, they can smell it and that causes them to throw out reality and ignore what is right in front of them. They don't want to believe that it might be just a bit harder to actually get a good deal done than just listening to the hogwash. DrillBABY... Don't finance that new truck until the check has cleared.

Samuel. you are welcome and yes, your concerns are very valid. 

I too would like contact information at DUX.  I've been emailing the info email address for a few days and they gave me two email addresses for the president and the land manager.  I tried emailing those email addresses but they could not be delivered.  I'm not sure what is going on with them.......

Ask Drill BABY! He has all the answers! Where can the financials be found?If I lived in Washington County, I would alert the local media. They could do some investigative reporting! In this O&G leasing business, being skeptical and vigilant is absolutely necessary. I am not sure I can say any more to sheep who want to be led to slaughter by the likes of DrillBABY or Malinda Carlton!

Like most of us on this site I have been quietly sitting on the sidelines trying to learn all that I can about the Dux Petroleum situation.

I have been puzzled by DrillBABY’s increasingly strident defense of this deal. What is going on?

When it deteriorated to name calling I decided enough was enough.

From DrillBABY’s posts on DUX we know 1) that he is part of the Watertown group, 2) that his attorney has reviewed the lease and 3) that he has inside information and “was told they (DUX) have picked up a couple different Washington County producers in the past months to make them a very large/largest lease holder in Washington.”

In DrillBABY’s earlier posts he has told us that “I'm in the business to and I prepare AFE's for Marcellus wells all the time” and “I drill/complete big Marcellus wells everyday” (See below).

Now, I will apologize for this in advance if I am incorrect (and please tell me if I am) but based on conversations with many people in the area it appears that the only person who meets all of these criteria is a Founding Partner, along with John Wells, of Southern Ohio Energy Consultants, the organization that is recommending (and benefiting from) the DUX deal.

Michael Housholder’s post appears to confirm this.

Normally it does not matter who a poster is and many of us choose to remain anonymous.

This time it is important people know who the most strident defender of DUX is so they can judge accordingly.

"Is Ohio's Utica now worth $20,000 per acre?"

Reply by DrillBABY on October 5, 2011 at 12:22pm

I'm in the business to and I prepare AFE's for Marcellus wells all the time. These wells cost 5-7 million to drill/complete, if production numbers are even half of what CHK reported these leases are easily worth $10,000/acre and these companies are still getting a huge ROI.

Chesapeake Releases Ohio Utica Production Numbers

Reply by DrillBABY on September 28, 2011 at 4:18pm

OR... 100 acres in a 640 acre unit at 18% gross royality = $7593/day in royalites to the landowner on a well that is doing $270,000/day in production. I drill/complete big Marcellus wells everyday but these Utica numbers dwarf 95% of the Marcellus wells out there.

On Feb 1, I replied on Washington Countys section that I was going to watch the outcome of this deal. The first thing I did was to try to find out about this company,which was nothing.

I would think that Mr Wellls,the lawyer that arranged the landowner group to sign this deal knows a lot more about Duxx than any of us can google. He has more riding  on this than any outsiders such as myself. You know he thinks they will pay, but time will tell.

As anyone who has followed this forum knows,companys as big as Shell have backed out of deals and not payed for some reason or other. As I live local I hope everyone who signed gets payed and wish the best for the landowners involved. , but I can see why there are skeptics out there.

Mr Wellls, Ive seen you on here, do you care to comment about any of these concerns? Thanks

There is no way DUX will pay unless DUX is a flipper. What does attorney  Wellis say about the financials for DUX. Where does he think DUX is going to get the money to pay? I see DrillBABY responded with another insult which should tell you something  .


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