A lot of people talk about how good most of the Marcellus wells are. I was wondering if anyone knows what is the average production of a well that is in a unit.
Also a question I've been wanting to ask on here. Either no one really knows or no one wants to say!
Since PADEP website has production data from Marcellus wells, you could look-up wells in the county you live and that should answer your question. Keep in mind new wells IP rate is higher the first couple months then taper off.
What township of what county are you in? Production varies widely across the play. How long is the lateral? How many stages were completed? There is no blanket answer to this question. What difference does it make on production whether the well is in a unit or not?
I just work on the info for Bradford County PA, but would guess it is pretty representative. The data for the second half of 2012 was just loaded this AM. Ran the spreadsheets and here are the results for 609 wells reporting production:
Average 469,060.8 mcf
Max 1,598,240 mcf
Min 42 mcf (only 1 day of production)
Mean 406,487 mcf
As another post says, results vary widely. At the same site well (Cranrun, in Leroy) well 2H produced 289,110 mcf while 5H produced 1,359,431 mcf for the same 183 day period. Less than a mile away Brackman 2H only produced 34,584 mcf in 130 days.
As far as the individual wells you reported are concerned, wouldn't the production report be greatly influenced by how long each well has been in production? For instance, one would assume that Cranrum 2H was drilled prior to Cranrun 5H. Dependent upon how long between the two wells coming into production, and considering reported steep initial decline rates of Marcellus wells, the large difference in production may make sense.
Bottom line: we need a little more info to make a valid assessment.
Just found their link for statewide numbers. Lists 6166 wells, but only 3554 include production amounts. They might not have completed the data load yet, but based on what there is:
Average 332,951.9
median 227,891
Max 4,494,805
How are royalties figured? By mcf per day/month/quarter?
What period is this -- annually?
To answer some of the questions,
The Cranrun wells went into production at the same time, 2H runs north from the pad, 5H runs south. No idea about any difference in length of legs. The Brackman well is almost due north of the Cranrun pad.
Most royalty calculators want production numbers in mmcf/day (million cf).
Numbers I gave are those reported for the second half of 2012 (total for the six months), as reported on the DEP data download.
The reports by county are a bit easier to work with, the state wide report is more of a data dump, includes old shallow wells, wells not yet in production and even those permitted but not drilled. This was the first time I downloaded the state wide, so I'm still getting it figured out but am working on reorganizing it into something I can work with and if people are interested will put up some overview with production converted to the mmcf/day numbers.
OK, here are some numbers from the statewide report for July to Dec. 2012. Some at the high end of the range need to be taken with a grain of salt, some are totals for all wells at a site but I suspect a few that show as single wells are actually totals too. Example, in one case 8 wells total to 60.304 mmcf/day while one single well claims 60.256 and another 59.997. If any of the gas pros on here see this, they might comment on if this is even possible. Seems pretty unlikely to me.
Anyhow, I reduced the data set to only horizontal Marcellus wells with production numbers. This leaves 2,944 wells from the original 6,166 entries. As mentioned Max is 60.256 mmcf/day. Average is 2.578 and Mean is 1.776. For a little more detail, 369 wells report >5 mmcf/day, 1,845 between 1 and 5 mmcf and the remaining 730 <1 mmcf.(of those, 235 are <0.5 mmcf.) Also an interesting note is that all wells reporting >20 are in Westmoreland or Susquehanna counties and mostly operated by WPX Energy.
Hope you find the info useful.
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