how do you know where the section lines are? two neighbors are getting royalties and I am not.

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the link below may help:

you may have to get a survey map of your property to visually place the section lines. In some places (Oklahoma comes to mind) there are section roads each mile, which makes it much easier to determine their location.



Do you mean section lines on county maps? I would not see how that would help.
If you mean the unit lines, if that wording works here, try the court house.
The mineral owners in that unit would have a declaration of pooled unit papers filed on their deeds. This is very easy to look up at the courthouse and might be even easier if your county has this info online.
In those papers will show exactly how the unit is laid out and who's in it.
In my cou Ty it cost .25c per page to have it printed out to take home. You would not need all the paper work filed just a few that show the unit layout.
Another way to find out is through the ODNR website in ohio, which would show you the mineral owners in each well. That site does not show, as far as I know, the whole pooled unit. You may see a well with 160 acres involved but in reality that well could have 500+ acres of minerals being held by that well. This is why getting the declaration of the pooled unit, is worth your time if you really want to know who's in it and where exactly the boundaries are.

Where do you find the unit maps on the ODNR web site?

One way to find the plat maps is to use the ODNR Oil &
Gas Well Viewer

Zoom in on the well that you want information on, then click the Identify Button at the top, then click on the well head.  You will see a popup window that identifies the well.  Click on the Well Summary Report Link.  At the bottom of that page click on the PLATMAPS.pdf

The other way is to use the ODNR Oil and Gas Database. But it is not user friendly.



Your sure right about it not being user friendly :0).

Yes, but it is very powerful once you learn how to use it.


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