Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.
Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation
Phone: (717) 787-5270
Dear All,
Such passion over lots of issues. Let's see if we can agree to require the players(both O/G companies and the land/mineral owners) to play by the same rules. When and where they do not they ought to be held accountable. If this is agreed upon, then going forward we ought to be able to see who is not playing well with others.
From my perspective, Ohio's ODNR is far more savvy and landowner friendly than my own Penn. DEP. In my state, even those politicians on the O/G/ dole are starting to respond to the outrage being voiced. All that is long overdue, and we all need to applaud it.
As for the myriad interpretations being cited- remember that there are those O/G companies, with their own legal departments, that do not believe that the landowner royalty checks ought to be deducted for questionable procedures.
Having said all that, ought we not to be trying to form a more cohesive voice, coming from this website, to strongly express our discontent? If so, ought we to start a petition campaign?
Thanks for the patience in listening,
Lets do it then, and it is very hard to be cooperative with a Corporation that keeps Screwing US! And they are the ones NOT LEASE OWNERS NOT the people of Bradford County!
Why don'1 all the Gas Companies that do not charge these fees make Chesapeake pay the Lease Holders , if that is what you believe then practice what you preach! Start the petition !
To start a petition, we need to identify the issues that the petition seeks to address.Remember that once we go public with the petition, it is open for the public at large to either support or not support it. Let's work out the wordage to be used, and then when we are good to go, I'll volunteer to get it into a petition format and to start the petition rolling.
Ought we to continue to do this on this site, or connect offsite? I'm good either way.
I'm curious, who, or what will you folks be petitioning?
the gascos or the government?
Now who's banging their head against the wall, Jim? It's a hell of a dense wall, too! ;)
yup, can't argue with that at all moldy.
but you know me, gotta have a little fun.
I would suspect that the petition would be aimed at the legislators, letting them know of the discontent being felt, and aimed at the public to act as a focal point for the expression of that discontent.
I would think that the particulars being addressed would include the deception given to the landowner by the landsmen, the ignoring of the lease specifics which, in Market Clause Enhancement leases specifically exclude deductions that CHK and others are currently making. There is also the legislative 12.5% royalty return issue that is being ignored due to the deductions.
Further, I would suspect that the oversight (or lack thereof) by the watchdog committees (DEP,ODNR,commissioners, legislators,Attorney Generals) would also come into view. The accuracy of the numbers reported upon and calibration procedures used need independent verification from other than the companies themselves.
In short, the landowner having a chance to air his grievances and reclaim his ignored voice. The combined might of the many voices will not be easily avoided by the policy makers. They would do so at their own peril.
Would you, WJ, suggest a different approach?
Dan that is an awesome thing I will do what I can if you swear to get the ball moving ! I am not at all sure about format, and wording in a petition I am afraid as mad as I am the words I want to put down will not be appropriate!
Dan I was never against Gas but I am against what they are dong to the people and then when you talk to a politician they say you should never have entered into an agreement , YET our State leased Federal Lands and is suing for underpayment! Obviously we have become 2nd Class Citizens!
I just got of the phone and they just infuriate you , they just want you to sue them , tell me whom has the money , they took it all! That snotty man from Chesapeake could care less about the geysers in the water, but they treat us like Low Class Citizens. What kind of steps can I take?
state leased federal lands?
geysers in the water?
the first step I would take is to take a deep breath and try to relax for a moment.
you sound like you're having a stroke...over money of all things.
Jim yes am I really have to step away for a bit! I go through streaks , when I hear farmers not getting paid, they sold their farms , yes I am pissed! My problem is I care but unless the People wake up the Gas Companies will win! Sickens me because there are some real problems! Yes you are right , I will give it a break for a few days!
Thank goodness it is not just for money! I care about my friends , my neighbors , this is just so wrong! Yes Jim I will sign off and give myself a break ,I need one!
good for you Darlene. hug your kids, be at peace and thoughtfully contemplate these issues when time is available.
farmers in Bradford county will be ok, it's the farmers in n.y. state that I worry about.
these things have a way of working themselves out...eventually.
" ...they say you should never have entered into an agreement..."
You did consult an attorney prior to entering into a legally binding agreement, an agreement which would affect your heirs and your land for generations, correct?
Les Greevy (Williamsport) and Jim Pruyne (Towanda) were warning lessors of the *potential* implications of the CHK boilerplate market enhancement clause as early as 2005-2006, or I should say, they were warning those who had the foresight to consult an attorney prior to merely signing on the dotted line for a few bucks.
I'm sure those who are so indignant about the atrocities committed upon their cherished land would have taken very simple steps, such as consulting an attorney, to assure that said cherished land was protected, correct?
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