When they drill into 3 different formations, on the same pad,do they use the same top hole? Or do they drill a separate hole from the surface for each formation?

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Here in SW PA it is common to go to the Marcellus and Upper Devonian (Burkett, Rhinestreet, etc.).  Each well has a separate top hole.  What may happen somewhere else or in the future.....?


In Ohio, each hole for each well. But this is for same formation.

I have seen them plug back stratigraphics, then drill the higher formation.

But I've not seen more than one borehole per well. I have not seen multiple formations per pad (Good question: Are there any?)

The "Rat hole" is the initial big hole that every thing fits into. 6-7-8' in diameter.


In SW PA there are many pads with wells to multiple formations - but each lateral has its own top hole.  The unit next to mine is currently adding an Upper Devonian to existing Marcellus wells.


Phil, This answers a prior thread in which Pad life (how long they will produce) can exist way beyond 15-20, even thirty years.

Individual well life decline curves are disheartening, but your examples are the proof I was looking for overall pad/production unit life. thanks!

Magnum Hunter is supposedly drilling 18 wells,I think, on one pad in northern Washington co. close to Noble/Monroe. Multiple formations.Done forgot the well name.Using the newest, walking,talking drilling rig!

I don't believe they can hit multiple formations thru the same hole. I would like to think that someday that will be the standard. Imagine the pressures involved. It is hard the imagine a system that would work but it would be nice. Does anyone have any info on the subject.

Yes, there are well pads for both Marcellus and Utica formations.  Most of them are in Monroe County. Oh in the townships bordering the Ohio River,      Magnum Hunter has Stalder pad, in Lee TWP,  Statoil has  Eisenbarth well in Ohio TWP.  Magnum Hunter is also doing one in Tyler Co, WV called the Stewart-Winland. 

It is the Stalder pad that is using the robotic drilling rig.

Here is link to ODNR Marcellus permits,


There are 47 Marcellus permits total:  Belmont--eight; Carroll--one;  Jefferson--two;  Monroe--36.

The leases that Eclipse Resources have in riverfront townships of Monroe County list three formations, Rhinestreet, Marcellus, and Utica.

Once again, more good news and evidence!.  Thanks Searcherone!

Quadruple pay zones???

Interesting. We hold a couple parcels in areas that are definitely in three of the four shale, and are right on the border of being four-for-four. But, wondering if it is possible to have O&G companies lease each level separately (i.e. bonus payment for each level). Obviously, there is potential to do well just from the gas in each level, but it would be nice to squeeze a bit more out of the O&G companies. Maybe ask for a higher percentage if they aren't willing to split it up? Seems like it is tough to do in PA, though.

I know a person who is sitting on over 1000 acres and insists on leasing it by each individual formation. He is still sitting on it,unleased!

Well I sure don't have 1000 acres. I'm in a producing Marcellus unit with 3 wells. Have Marcellus only clause and their going to have to "give" me something to get those extra layers. It's the same game they played before. Those Layers don't eat anything so they can just sit there. Those pipelines need gas to make money so I'll just wait for that offer to fill those pipelines.

I know they sure as hell wouldn't "give" us anything, so I'm just returning the favor. Yes I'm right in the middle of that 4 play, south end. The longer they wait the more it will cost them. Right now might deal for Burket/Utica "cheep". Next year not so much. I think I'm not going to lease Rhinestreet. I smell a greasy fat rat in the area just below and above the Rhinestreet.

Going to spend most of royalties on a few fixes after that just going to relax and screw with them.


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