KASTELIC NCD3 OFFICIAL UPDATE.... Sunday July 20th....3pm.......Fox News Alert !!

Ha... gotcha...

You really thought Fox News was reporting ?   :)

Anway..... All fracking will be done by Wed/Thurs

54 stages of 66 on last lateral to finish up..

at 4 stages a day... 3 days... done..!!!!!!

THEN...Cudd moving to Pa....


FOR LAST 3 DAYS...!!!!!

Clark well... NEVER.. has this much sand put in.....

No news on Dobeck site....

.other then what EQT said in the beginning....

After NCD3 is in production.. they will study it and decide what/how to frac Dobeck pad..

With a Frac stage every 100 feet in all laterals...

there sure is gonna be a lot of OIL come out of

these  laterals...

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Will this effect the west side of Skull Fork Road, north of Rt. 22? ( K & R Conservation acreage?-- section 21----twp. 11---range 7)

And is Aubrey's company involved?

Not sure what you are saying.

Thanks much for any info!

The wells I report on are over SW of Cambridge on Cubbison Rd...

I don't have any info about your area.. sorry..

This EQT NCD3  fracking operation should be titled "SUPER - SUPER + SUPER FRACK" and the good thing is no seismic issues on radar... 

A frac stage every 100 ft. has got to be big news among all the other drilling companies thru-out the Utica boundaries. You don't hear about  it in any of the news from other counties but I'm sure all eyes from the drillers and possibly wall street,are on the NCD3.

They should start drilling out the plugs about Friday...

So...one could speculate that if they spacing the fracs 100ft apart.....that the laterals will start to be spaced closer together too....which means more wells per UNIT.

I would think that is possible also...

I just think they need to get an awful lot of oil out of these wells before they do any more


Most activity is East of 77

Being from the western side myself I have certainly been watching this well and waiting to see what comes from all of this. They must be fairly certain there is a lot of oil in that area or they wouldn't be putting all this time and money into this. That said, I realize that doesn't mean they will be able to get it out.

Lots of frac stages and milliions of pounds of SAND.. is the only answer...

and that is what they have done...

EQT has permits already for MANY other holes to drill...

3 more on NCD3... and 4 MORE.. on Dobeck

Plus Clark and Spencer can have more holes dropped..

So they have plenty of work left if they want to...

EQT is not signing up any more leases.. as they have all they need.. at this point

If these two experiments work out..

they will be drilling for 3 years to finish what they have now...

I think they just figure no sense in spending any more $ on land...?  at this time.

If they do hit it pretty big.... I look for others to come in and buy up around EQT..

But... with all of this extra work they are doing..


im gonna GUESS that these laterals will only do

about 3 TIMES what Clark is doing...

and that isn't all that good.....would only be around 90 BBls a day...

Decent $ for EQT and land owners.. but not a WINDFALL....

BUT .. with all of the LAND East of 77 now being all bought up...

Only place for newbies to go is.................WEST OF 77  :)

Fracking done Tuesday AM about 7am...

Pad will be CLEAR by Thursday afternoon

and new crew will come in and BORE OUT THE PLUGS starting Friday...

After 3 months of Fracking..

my Garden is GREENER....

the Trees are taller ?

My  Drinking water is clearer....

.and the Deer have nothing to watch at the edge of the pad   !!

The Mikhail Gorbechev communist led  Anti Frackers are getting no where... cept NY...

google..... Gorbechev GREEN CROSS.. to enlighten your self...

He lives.. tax free.. outside of US LAW..... in California....  On UN OWNED.. compound...

ex Military base.... nice .. huh  ?

and you thought Putin was in control....?

We will be selling OIL AND GAS. to Europe soon....

end of Russia's  dominance..

Gorbachev at the Presidio: a bonus for a job well done?

The Presidio in San Francisco is one of the most famous citadels in American History. Established by the Spanish in 1776 on the banks of San Francisco Bay, it has served as a principle American fortress during both aggressions and defense. Operated by the National Parks and Conservation Association, America's only private nonprofit citizen organization dedicated solely to protecting, preserving, and enhancing the U.S. National Park System. An association of "Citizens Protecting America's Parks," NPCA was founded in 1919 and today has 500,000 members.

Judi McLeod, Editor of the CanadaFreePress.com published an article on November 15, 2006, entitled, "Nancy Pelosi: One of Mikhail Gorbachev's Most Useful Idiots," which connected the dots between Gorbachev and Pelosi.

McLeod explained that Gorbachev, via his "Green Cross International," devised a legal mechanism for converting American military bases to "global centers for sustainability." The breakthrough came at the 1992 United Nation's Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, one of the largest globalist conclaves in history, including 108 heads of state, and over 170 governments represented.

Gorbachev helped create and forward Agenda 21, a "global sustainability" document which, among many other things, helped set the stage for converting military installations around the world into globalist activity centers.


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