Well ( pun intended )they are working on installing the rest of the rig and there set to drill away, so says one of the workers on the pad...

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I do know bo that a few of the lease in the Hayes pad were Antero and alot of old Oxford.leases .  Your right about the small 5 acre lots. 

any news on Fritz wells?  fracking yet? Seems like they've had enough time to drill all 4 laterals.

Yes they started fracking last week Bo. There having water shortage issues. Now their running a waterline from the Dickinson cattle company farm in Belmont county to the Yoder impoundment then across my neighbors and I and finally to the Fritz pad. Then they will run the water to Hayes, Pora, and miller pads. That's many miles of waterline.

Many, many,many miles!  Probably cheaper than hauling it to all them wells,but you would think there would be a source closer. Salt Fork needs to get in on the act and get some serious $$$ on water and leases!

Bo , I offered Eclipse a heck of a Deal, if they built a pond on me they could have the water for free for a certain number of years.  I have a perfect place to build a 3 acre pond or so.  They wouldn't do it , said to many regulations and whatever.  There's ways around all that Iknow. It's super close to Fritz also.  Sometimes I just don't understand their thinking.  I'm just going to build it myself and forget about them I guess..  

Bo, yes they are fracking at fritz well, were down last week, unbelievable the amount of activity on putney ridge road ..

I know!! It's like a highway!! On our road grape hollow it's terrible!! They are supposed to begin paving Wednesday. On putney and grape hollow, to the new pump station. The blasting has been terrible!! Took out our well that we just had put in. 

So they are going to finish paving Putney all the way to grape hollow ? That's good and bad I guess. Beaver excavating has moved a bunch of dirt where the compressor station is going in.

Yes. Then on grape hollow down to the compressor station. I wish they would just do all of it! They use it anyways,and just like putney the road is getting terrible!!!   

They will probably eventually do all of grape hollow because their putting a well on a property south of Putney and compressor station

We get a ton of traffic, almost all of the Fritz, Pora and compressor station traffic and still some of the Hayes well I believe.

Oh well, the price of progress. It would be easier to take were we in a unit and knew we were going to realize some royalty money eventually.


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