I received a large information packet about the Rover Pipeline, so I guess I'm on their route. I have to return a form for a survey to be done. In reading over some of the material, it states that professional appraisers will determine land values and Rover will go with that. I chuckled at that part. I think it's time we upped the price per foot of pipeline. Do I hear $125.00 per foot???

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Yes, that is why they approached me with this op. They were going around a neighbor and were gonna use me and a couple other neighbors to do it. I signed a survey permission agreement last fall and was told they would start construction as early as Feb.2014 that date came and went then the hold up was because of the Indiana Brown Bat habitat being disturbed when they started clearing ROW. So that leads me to believe something fishy was goin on. They want a 3 year option for 0 down with no guarantee. They own the ROW for three years with no skin in the game. Is that a good deal for a land owner? What if another company want to put a line through 'now' and MW has the option sowed up? I didn't get a real clear answer to this question when I asked the landman. He was good at talking around things, like a politician. LOL Do you know anything about what they do with these free options when they get them?  

In a perfect world, pipeline landmen would tell the truth when their lips were moving, the company they represented would actually be the pipeline company that puts in the pipeline, everything would be negotiable and closed with a handshake.

OK, so it's not a perfect world so we have to use our heads when dealing with O&G people. If  it isn't in writing it isn't going to happen. And initially, even if it is in writing, no will notice til you sick Bull Dog Lawyer onto them with your lease tucked in his collar!

A few things to understand.  When they are negotiating, they know they will have many landowners that do not want to sign for any money.  They also know some will ask for unreasonable amounts.  Some will sign for much less. Some routes will have more environmental issues than others, Or obstacles like interstates, rivers, RRs.Thus, they usually have at least two optional pathways, often three, and then use the one that presents the least issues. Sometimes, these alternate routes are even posted their websites.

That is also one reason they do not want to make a down payment.....they may use an alternate route.  Also, the project may get cancelled if competitors complete another line or the E & Ps pull out or the wells are below expectations.

Often takes several years to get all the ROW and the necessary permits so a three year option is the norm. Eminent domain would also take time.

One suggestion, if they flat out refuse a down payment, ask for a clause stating you get paid additional monies if they sell the ROW to another company. That way you would get some of any profit they make by selling.

I got a phone call last week and my packet in the mail this week.  I am located in Wetzel county.  It said in the letter they didn't have my correct address to send out for the open house but they seemed to get it correct to send out the survey authorizations. We will see what happens.

What he said. 

I strongly believe that the gathering lines are not going to have eminent domain power.  Only the line outlined in red in the FERC filing.

I hear you Jason, regarding the FERC and non FERC lines. Can anyone offer more information regarding this?

Has anyone had a pipeline company come on your property with a truck and core drill? How much do they pay the landowner for this?


Check my last comment in this discussion which says Rover Pipeline is now up to 820 miles from the original estimate which was 600 miles.  

There is a link in the last response to 2nd quarter Energy Transfer financial report which mentions the Rover pipeline.

And make no mistake the Rover is a huge project.

I dealt with AEP before and when they have eminent domain on their side, they will low-ball you in the worst way. I'm sure ROVER will be just the same. Like I said, it's their ticket to steal. I'm going to resist as much as I can. Just picture if you were selling your house and the buyer made all the rules and told you how much they were going to pay you for it and you couldn't do one thing about it. It's the same with eminent domain. There is no fairness in it, the landowner gets hammered!

I also own land on the edge of Washington Co. Pa., and Marshall Co.W.Va, my land is just passed the Majorsville Processing plant. It is not a big piece of property. I too, received a package in the mail. I can't see on the map why my property would be included in this pipeline because it looks like the line starts at the Majorsville complex.

The line from Majorsville, from what I understand is going to follow existing ROW's. I have a MarkWest line going through my land, so I guess ROVER will just put their line right next to the existing ROW. Imagine how wide the ROW is going to be! MW can put in 5 or 6 lines if needed and the ROVER line run along the outer side the the ROW. I hope they plan on paying big money for this!


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