Just how will Emperor Cuomo stifle this permit application?

Tioga County Farm Bureau president and member of the Snyder Farm Group Kevin Frisbie announces Wednesday, July 8, the five-farm family group's intentions to install a natural gas well underneath a hayfield in the Town of Barton. A press conference was held outside the town hall.(Photo: photos by KELLY GAMPEL / Staff Photo)

A proposal to frack for natural gas using gelled propane and sand was announced Wednesday morning at Barton Town Hall in Tioga County.

Snyder Farm Group spokesman Kevin "Cub" Frisbie said an application was filed yesterday with the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

FIRST WITH THE NEWS: We broke this story. Stop by 2, 3 or 4 times a day to stay fully informed.

More than 60 people attended the press conference, which was held outside the Town of Barton municipal offices.

The Snyder group is a collection of five Tioga County farm families that have leased land for natural gas development. The group is seeking to develop a 53-acre natural gas well in Halsey Valley, N.Y., which is in the Town of Barton, Tioga County — about 25 miles south of Ithaca and 30 miles east of Elmira.

The well pad would occupy about 31/2 acres on Ernest "Bucky" Snyder's 150-acre hay and corn farm.

The group has applied for two drilling permits, Frisbie said.

The well would get drilled into the Utica Shale formation, about 9,500 feet underground, according to Frisbie. "Then we will do a horizontal turn and go into the Marcellus Shale at approximately 4,400 feet," he said.

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API WELL NUMBER: 34155240700100
QUARTER 1,2,3,4: 4
OIL (2014, Q4): 103
GAS (2014, Q4): 32,434
DAYS (2014, Q4): 82
Permit Issued: 04/29/2013
Status: Producing

Some pretty weak numbers on the wells producing up in the north  only one permit in all of Ashtabula and its not even being drilled yet.......the one well averaged a little more then 1 barrel a day and the other about 5 barrel a day.....those wells are both in the northern part of trumbull just south of ashtabula

 think you better do a little research before you make fun of the trip;e play is real and it is here     

they are already drilling the triple play in pa and wva ...the upper Devonian the Marcellus and the Utica  and in ohio they are drilling the Marcellus and the Utica from the same pads also the correct spelling of my last name is MURPHY not Murphey......also in some areas they have a 4th play in the Rogersville shale part of the

rome trough  need to get your head out of the Ashtabula swamps and look around at the whole picture

I know the 'Triple Play' is real and is here Mike.

Trouble is that it's only there when you want it be there.

Actually, I meant the name change for you (from just plain old "Mike Murphey" to "Mike 'Triple Play' Murphey") as a compliment !
You wrote : 'Some pretty weak numbers on the wells producing up in the north  only one permit in all of Ashtabula and its not even being drilled yet.......'

To me the most operative word in your reply here is the word 'yet'.

Hard for us to put a lot of faith in ODNR reported and published production numbers when:

1) The production is whatever the E & P wants to produce and report.
2) Wells are typically and many times throttled for various and sundry reasons as we understand
3) Lack of takeaway infrastructure capacity for high production (in the north especially as we discussed here earlier)
4) Market conditions / prices


BTW Mike, I can read maps !

And I don't read them selectively either.

Sometimes you make me laugh.

This is one of those times Mike.

Peace Out dude (for awhile).
My apologies to David Perotto for tangential (borderline) high jacking of your NY specific discussion.

It kind of snuck up me and was / is unintentional.

how can a oil company report different production then what they are selling it is all down in black on white and what company would throttle back a well when they have to pay back the investors the money

 they have invested or the investors wont give them more money to keep drilling duds    and there is nothing selective about it go to and look at all the production maps and the permitted maps and see that the north is a dud you are living on hopes and dreams .......if the northern part was any good they would be there drilling the hell out of it but they are not ......if it was so good bp would have never closed up shop ..........they are still drilling the southern part and buying and selling lease holds everyday for big money the only reason the companies up north are still there is because nobody will give them a good deal to buy the junk as far as infrastructure there are billions be spent on it but not in the northern area  you really make me laugh ......JOSEPH OHIO hA hA hA  take a ride down south and have a look around look at the top producers in carroll Monroe and Belmont counties  how about wells producing over 20,000 barrel of oil in a 3 month period over 300 million cubic feet of gas in 3 months look around at the infrastructure being built  kinder morgan got 28 billion dollars worth in construction or on the planning stages in ohio but non up north so you just keep thinking that my input is selective but it is not .....joseph ohio living on a selective hope and a dream is more like it

just seems pretty funny that all them wells up north would be throttled back and the e/p are taking a big lose on them but the wells down south are making the e/p rich and who knows they may be throttled back too....I read that Utica has created 550 millionaires in carroll county why would they not be creating milliomaires in Ashtabula if the production was there    and a lot a folks don't have the knowledge to figure it out like you for example..and like I said get your head out of the swamp mud in Ashtabula and look whats happening around the whole play ...go learn more about the whole play  not just in your backyard...... which is are the one who started this by saying you hoped it came to ohio first when it is already here da so you need to chill out

I already told you what I meant by coming to Ohio first.

To REPEAT, I meant waterless fracturing on a large regional basis /scale not on an experimental basis (as that has happened already in Tusc.).

I also wrote agreeing the north has not been active AS YET.

Don't u read anything I write before selectively disagreeing with it after taking it out of context ?
You chill out Mike - I'm cool as a cucumber.


The word going around in the industry is 7 years or less for the( north) as we know it !!

Thanks for your reply Craig.

Very credible but hope still too conservative.

Sooner would be better.

Maybe we'll hear from some land men in the not too distant future.

Lease terms I've read about are 5 years with option to renew or auto renew for same specifications.

Good luck to all of us north, south, east and west.


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