Just how will Emperor Cuomo stifle this permit application?

Tioga County Farm Bureau president and member of the Snyder Farm Group Kevin Frisbie announces Wednesday, July 8, the five-farm family group's intentions to install a natural gas well underneath a hayfield in the Town of Barton. A press conference was held outside the town hall.(Photo: photos by KELLY GAMPEL / Staff Photo)

A proposal to frack for natural gas using gelled propane and sand was announced Wednesday morning at Barton Town Hall in Tioga County.

Snyder Farm Group spokesman Kevin "Cub" Frisbie said an application was filed yesterday with the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

FIRST WITH THE NEWS: We broke this story. Stop by 2, 3 or 4 times a day to stay fully informed.

More than 60 people attended the press conference, which was held outside the Town of Barton municipal offices.

The Snyder group is a collection of five Tioga County farm families that have leased land for natural gas development. The group is seeking to develop a 53-acre natural gas well in Halsey Valley, N.Y., which is in the Town of Barton, Tioga County — about 25 miles south of Ithaca and 30 miles east of Elmira.

The well pad would occupy about 31/2 acres on Ernest "Bucky" Snyder's 150-acre hay and corn farm.

The group has applied for two drilling permits, Frisbie said.

The well would get drilled into the Utica Shale formation, about 9,500 feet underground, according to Frisbie. "Then we will do a horizontal turn and go into the Marcellus Shale at approximately 4,400 feet," he said.

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Look - I didn't say they reported different production than was produced.

Consider E & Ps can produce as much as they want to or as little as they want to and from what I understand they do it all the time just to HBP.

They don't have to produce at maximum - they can produce what they want.

If there's not enough takeaway capacity they can throttle the well back HBP and harvest more later after infrastructure is available.

No one really knows if a well is a 'dud' or not unless you're the E & P who developed it - and you know they only say / make public what they want to.

It's not rocket science, don't you think folks can figure that much out ?

Now about all those big wells you wrote about. Those wells and others already developed and in production are what has helped  depress the price right now ! OPEC / SA another main cause. If there's too much production and not enough customers / sales, it's called a glut. I'm reading we have a glut right now. Lots of gas not enough customers - to me,  that means slowing down on developing more natural gas wells until things change.  Need more infrastructure to get it to market, need more customers domestic and foreign.

Wow u guys r good

thanks colt I love bettin peoples dander worked up especially when they don't have a clue what they are talking about and are living on a hope and a dream

Wishing everyone as much luck as I have
Well then, being a hoper, I hope you've had tremendous luck colt ! !

Not being oil patch insiders (me and mine) I think we need all the luck we can get.

Don't mind old Mike 'Triple Play' Murphey - I don't.

it is MURPHY there is no E in my last name if you are going to call names atleast spell it right..... stuck in the mud Joseph

Thanks Joe .I have had good experience with the oil and gas companies

I enjoy David Perotto's posts as a rule. They (to me) usually seem to be clear headed, intelligent, and informative. They sometimes accentuate the positive facts and potential for the play overall. Thank you David. Now Joseph, what on earth do you think that you are doing by stating that you hope waterless fracking works in our area? Have you no shame? Thank you Mike "The Hammer" Murphy for reminding us that there is no hope. Nothing to see here. Lower your head. Move along. (Craig, tread lightly with your 7 year scenario. It might be a little optimistic for some. People are watching).

Howdy Sage59,

Thanks for your contribution to this discussion.

I for one am very happy to read people are watching !

Best Regards,


look here where Ashtabula stands in the UTICA....out of it!!!!!!!

Looks like my Ashtabula 20 acres are in jeopardy of being irrelevant. One thing in this report gives hope, the Logana interval of the Trenton/Lexington. Maybe someone will look further at that depth in NE Ohio.

Don't give up the ship so easily David.

From what I read that map is representative of initial production from 2011 to 2014.

Since even then (not too long ago) newer developmental technology has emerged (such as waterless fracturing) to suit geology encountered.

New Development has slowed down since due to the various market circumstances, politics and many other complexities.

No real market beyond domestic right now to speak of so no place to sell massive increases in production by developing more.

The Utica extent is much larger than shown based on many other maps I've read.

This I'm thinking is by plan / design as even this propaganda reply map is as well.

Unlike another, I don't think it so smart to condemn the area based only on what's been developed to date. I see much more development to come in the future pending market, more infrastructure, geopolitics, etc.

More development, I think, will provide more 'Sweetspots'

Just the way I read it / IMHO.

Wouldn't you agree ?


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