Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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"Dutch Court Finds Gas Venture Liable for Earthquake Claims
A court in the Netherlands ruled on Wednesday that a natural gas company, a joint venture by Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil, must compensate homeowners for declines in the value of their properties because of earthquakes linked to production at Europe’s largest gas field, the Groningen field. ... The Netherlands has twice this year reduced production from the field after the Dutch Safety Board, a government-financed but independent organization, said gas companies and regulators had failed to take the danger from gas-production-linked earthquakes seriously enough. ..."


Josie, link to the source?  Am puzzled by "The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources might have approved 27 new oil and gas leases ...". 

Thanks, Josie.  Agreed that you usually include a link to the source. 

Many of the reports that PA didn't get were sent to former operators who are no longer active in the state and have no wells. So the compliance rate wasn't actually that bad. I got one addressed to a client who hasn't had a well in PA since 1985. They didn't reply, because they had nothing to say.  

I've tried, several times, to prepare a master spreadsheet, tracking TC unconventional wells from the permit stage through production.   I ran out of time to complete the project,  but do have several observations.  First, a computer does not recognize that John J. Smith and John J. Smith LLC are probably the same entity.  And, there is not a consistent way among DEP data reports of dealing with changes in well ownership.   So it's no surprise that some notifications went to non-owners (and v/v).

In addition, there is the unsettled question of whether conventional wells should be subject to the same level of scrutiny as unconventional wells.  According to the P-G article, most of the unconventional well owners did respond.  

The gas well being drilled in a few weeks by Travis Peak in Westfield township has moved many pieces of heavy equipment to the new access road just a few hundred yards south of my home.

Gravel has been laid on top of some sort of plastic sheeting in the road side ditch. Many flags have been inserted in the ground to designate the work areas up thru a hayfield. There is already a farm access road to the drill site.  The workers only have to "beef it up" and widen it to the drill site.  Sixty five years ago,  I  plowed and cut the grain for the owner on or very close to the drill site.  And I hunted and just explored  that area many times.

We will be able to see the top of the drilling rig from our house I think. It is from this Travis Peake well that the Pipeline I have been inquiring about is to start from, cutting across my property to join up with another Travis drilling site just west of us.

Lots of heavy traffic the last few days

Bill Ladd

Isn't it a blessing to have led an interesting life in a pretty part of this country, Bill ?  Thank you for your posts.......I hope things can be worked out to the satisfaction of you and your family.

According to eFacts, Travis Peak Resources LLC has received E&S permits for two sites and has applied for three dilling permits.

E&S Permit: 06/30/2015 --> Issued 09/03/2015
Drilling Permit: PAINTER 1H - 08/28/2015 --> Pending

E&S Permit: 06/30/2015 --> Issued 09/03/2015
Drilling Permits: ABPLANALP 1H: 08/28/2015 --> Pending,
ABPLANALP 2H: 08/28/2015 --> Pending

The Painter property adjoins my property Ann. Cardinal  Pipeline  wants to establish a pipeline ROW between the Painter well and the Abplanalp well sites. My property is directly between the two well sites. It would be a straight shot across my land.

Bill L.

Thought one or the other must be your neighbor.  Any possibility your property will be in be in the Painter drilling unit? 

I do not really know Ann. Perhaps in a few months it might. If a well is drilled on my property or a new frack line from the Painter well is  extended a few hundred feet to the west then maybe it will be. Leases are bought and traded almost daily. I suppose that if the Painter well shows a good gas output then in years to come maybe!

There is an oil well about a mile north of us. A small tank collects whatever comes to the surface.

Bill L.


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