“You know, I don’t support it when any locality or any state is against it, number one. I don’t support it when the release of methane or contamination of water is present. I don’t support it—number three—unless we can require that anybody who fracks has to tell us exactly what chemicals they are using.

“So by the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place. And I think that’s the best approach, because right now, there are places where fracking is going on that are not sufficiently regulated.”

Hillary Clinton

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This is a new look for Mrs. Clinton, who promoted fracking around the world as Secretary of State. In 2010 she popped into Krakow to announce a global shale initiative, and in 2012 she dropped by Bulgaria to encourage the parliament to end a fracking moratorium. But now that she wants to be President she would regulate out of existence the livelihoods of tens of thousands in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Arkansas, and across the U.S.A.

Even though, in the past, Ms Clinton has attempted to walk both sides of this issue, I am pretty sure thinking people knew this was her position, At least that is her stated position today; she may tell a different group whatever they want to here.

Typical tree hugging left wing liberal Democrat. I guess the Saudi's must have donated more to the Clinton Foundation than the U.S.shale industry. Yet another reason NOT to vote for her. Like we needed another one!

I've heard that Russia does that. It donates to "green" companies in the us, so that we don't produce more oil. Yet, no one ever realizes that. The same with the anti oil activist groups. Do people ever wonder who is funding them or why?


Although, not all funding for left wing nut jobs and organizations comes from Russia. It has been substantiated that, through surrogates, the Russian government and Russian companies have funneled 10's of millions of dollars (rubles) to the anti oil and gas activists in the U.S.

Maybe our resident fractivist (PH) receives money from our enemies, just a thought.

Whoever votes for that old woman is a moron in my opinion! Just looking at or listening to the lying old bitty sickens me.... Go Donald!!!!

Sorry but Hillary is a shoo-in to win in November.  She represents the party of Santa Claus and "free stuff".  It is very tough to compete with Santa Claus or, in this instance, Mrs. Santa Claus.  Hillary's nomination, BTW, is pre-ordained.  This is true regardless what Bernie erroneously believes.

Trump might have a chance if Republicans at the top supported him.  They don't.  And the "free stuff" voters have learned well the lesson, during these most recent years, that all they have to do is vote themselves the benefits for which they are unwilling to work.  Voting is a lot less strenuous than working, and the "takers" have real incentive to get to the polls.  Their prospects are further enhanced by the fact so many working people, as happened in 2012, sit on their asses and don't even bother to vote!

Let's all have a mass prayer that Hillary Clinton is defeated in November. Not only because of her stance on Fracking but on every other issue that goes against conservative values. Liberals want to change everything that has made this country great and put us at risk of total destruction. Then it won't matter if we own land and mineral rights, the government will just come in and take it and give it to the ones that don't own anything. I think they call that "wealth redistribution." Santa Clause and Robin Hood, Clinton and Sanders..... Take from the rich and give to the poor...  Any way you look at it is thievery  


Don't forget - in between taking from the rich the government takes a cut before giving to the poor; and that is what it's really about.

As a Trump supporter I anticipate that her statement will be used against her loudly and often this fall when the general heats up.

I am not ready to ordain Hillary the next president, she is a horrendous candidate with tons and tons of baggage, plus, the country is loathe to accept a third barack Hussein Obama term which really would be a 5th WBush term.

Think a female John Kerry campaign, that is what Hillary reminds me of.

Remember candidate Obama lying to the coal vote around here, telling them that he would help get green energy jobs set up around here to replace the coal industry jobs his presidency would target for elimination ?

Doubtful folks around here will have forgotten or be eager to fall for that one again.


She is telling the same lies her husband told when he was selling NAFTA.

Slick Willey told us that those who lost their jobs due to NAFTA would receive training for higher paying jobs.Of Course we know this never occurred. I know people who lost their jobs and never have recovered all thanks to Bill's lies.

Well the same thing will happen if HiLIARy is elected. Coal miners and oil and gas employees will lose their jobs just as mill workers did in the '90's. Lives and communities will be devastated and will never recover.

I know that people who read this site intend to vote for her. They should be ashamed.

Not all of us on this site will vote for her. I for one will tell everyone I know to not give her one vote. She is a socialist the same as Sanders. The only one who will vote for her are the tree huggers and stupid lazy people who want her to be their mommy and take care of them. The government teat suckers who want a free ride.   


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