Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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Old Timer I never read many or any of Grimms  fairy tales as a kid. Somehow they escaped my notice. Nearly all my spare  time was spent  exploring the area around me, much to the displeasure of my mother. As soon as I was able to walk or run, Out the door I went to visit the farmer next door. My mother was a city or town girl and I guess  she did not understand my  growing interest in cows, horses, dogs, pigs, chickens and all that goes with these things. 

Fairy tales were just make believe and I needed something more solid that I could get my hands on!

Granddad Ladd

I have no doubt but what it  is true Old Timer. However I am not a history buff although I recall some of the things you speak of.  But like I said, my attention was pretty much taken up by dealing with a diabetic daughter, a wife who collected everything regardless of value or need. And then there was the biological father of my two stepdaughters who only wanted to hurt their mother and blame the oldest girl for her own birth. 

He was on his first leave from the marines. He and his buddies decided to get some girl pregnant on their first leave. He thought that he was now a "MAN" since he was a marine and could get some girl pregnant and not a little boy just graduated from high school.

He made many very bad choices!  Two little kids would be paying for most of their lives without a little intervention.

This is no fairy tale!

Granddad Ladd

Yes I recall them vaguely….I recall the gas fires being started and I think a man named Red Adair was called to put some of them out.

During those years my Ex wife and I raised rabbits for medical research. I trucked rabbits to several Pharmical labs as well as to Edgewood Arsenal. Rabbits that would not pass medical muster were trucked to New York City to a facility that took in chickens, ducks and other small animals for the fancy  (DINERS) and grocers.

Ex and I made and sold maple syrup, butter and eggs to a store in Keenyville.  We were pretty much self sufficient.  We cut coupons and sold salvaged items like newspaper ect.  We had our own fuel, (firewood) that I cut. And lots of garden produce.

But now I am too old to do those things.  My ex continued to salvage after we parted. And got into serious trouble with county commissioners.  It was explained to them that she grew up with parents that never got really over the depression. Very early training in childhood.

Very very sad! A lifetime of collecting useless items!

Granddad Ladd

OH! is that what that white stuff is?

Our fires refuse to burn except with bone dry tissue paper.  Such poor draft up the chimney. Using a hair drier to get tinder to burn to create enough draft. Supply of wood wont take us thru the winter. Our first woodcutter, turned out to be a shiftless and we suspect a thief as well, started off pretty good. But little by little he slacked off with one excuse after another. We hired another woodcutter who makes a business to skid, block up and split one of the pipeline piles of wood. We have two more pipeline piles but not very accesable.  Especially considering the swampy conditions mother nature has blessed us with. First woodcutter was not very pleased that we got another man to do the job.

"Well, you kept giving us excuses and we like our firewood to be seasoned out a little." we told him.

We even offered him a deal of a portion for himself.  So now since I cannot do wood myself anymore We've decided to get something  different to heat with.

Now About the Serverance bruhaha.  I do not know much about it but a picture is sort of forming in my mind. And it does not look great at all!

Granddad Ladd

Thank you Josie.  My lease states, "NO DEDUCTIONS". Our royalty is pretty small compared to some others. But on the other hand there are several other land owners that are almost a flyspeck in comparison.

I thank you again Josie!

Granddad Ladd

Not as far as I can see Josie

Granddad Ladd

Rumor on the Internet that Shell is looking to exit Tioga PA 

Rumor also on the Internet is that Trump doesn’t have a chance of winning the Presidential election

Trump's biggest problem in my mind is his tendency to reverse his statements almost within a week of what he said!

How can anyone believe what he says?  He denies that he said this or that and we watched him and listened to him mouth those words! I half expect to watch him say that snow is not white and very cold  and then deny he said it!

Granddad Ladd

As for rumors and the Internet.....I can put stock in the "Shell exiting Appalachia."...been a rumor for a while.....and Trump will probably face an Impeachment long before the 2020 election.....going to get ugly.....

Everything is for sale if the price is right.

Boy the attack dogs are out ..... You guys are not nice 


Shell leaving story posted on Shale Directory .com 


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