suggestion for good attorney and need peoples thoughts concerning a pooling issue

We are looking for an attorney who is knowledgeable concerning pipelines but also we are in a situation where we are located directly in the center of 3 well pads (literally 1/8 mile- 1/2 mile) ...there is property that touches our borders that have been included in a pool but we have not been included in any of the surrounding 3 pools - we cannot understand how that can happen.

Any suggestions concerning a good attorney AND can anyone explain to us how we can not be in any pool? 

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thank you for taking the time to reply...I will pull out the maps I have ...can you let me know the site you used to order maps from?

Anyone have a good reputable attorney in Pittsburgh area they have used? 

Carp is correct about the well directions from the pad.

The amount of any plot of land, defined by a tax map, can be included or excluded from a Production Unit....much of our holdings (tax plots) are that way, some in, some out. Just because your adjoining neighbor is included, sadly, that doesn't mean you will be. You should have received a ton of paperwork from the gasco….also, in PA., any water supply within a 3000' radius must have the water tested before development. If you have a well, you should have been tested if the pad(s) is/are only 1/8 of a mile from you.

If you are in the center of three pads, you will need to determine the wells' direction, as they may have only drilled in one direction from each pad....get the Completion Reports for each pad with wells that are in your area. These are the final documents that will show well location, depth, lateral length, etc. and are the final record. These may contain info different from the original well permits.

Do your homework, and good luck to you.

you guys are awesome!

What is it you want the attorney to do for you.  They cannot justjust  the gas company to put you in a unit.   I suspect since you are looking for an attorney knowledgeable in pipelines that the gas company wants to run a pipeline through your property.  If so you may be able to use this as a bargaining chip to compell the gas company to use directional drilling from one of those pads so your lands are included in a well.  Good luck.

they do want to put a pipeline on property...I am pretty sure for gathering lines. I am unsure how to go about negotiating the directional drilling...the pipeline company is not the gas/oil company though the lines will be carrying their product.

Seems like a longshot for anyone to force a Driller to change their plans to include someone in a unit. These folks have sited the pad in the most advantageous location to drill as economically as possible. Their interpretation of the seismic data, as well as the completions of wells in the area, drive those decisions, which are purely financial.

It would likely be MUCH more economical to re-route the gathering lines than drill a $4-7 million well to secure a ROW.

I would suggest finding an attorney well versed in ROW negotiations to assist you....there is some $$ to be made for you here, but as gathering lines, they likely will not pay as much per foot as a larger transmission line would fetch. 


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