I see there is some interest in parts of Guernsey Count particulary the north eastern portion.  Can anyone elaborate on this?  Possibley we even need a Guernsey Co. group.  Thanks!

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This reminds me of a gold rush I heard about way back in the 1800s.Suddenly people are coming out of the woodwork looking to make a dollar! Nothing wrong with making  a buck but it sure makes it hard to weed out the hundreds of people trying to get your land and who is honest and who is not! Where will it end. As I type this Oxford Oils Equipment  is screaming in the background as they are setting up to frack a well 300 yards from my back door.The drilling and equipment and noise sure took the peace and quiet out of here for a month now with no end in sight. I don't really care that much about the money but would love to just have a little gas well on my property with some free gas.Still watching all the posts and taking it all in.Haven't signed anything yet! To many choices! No one has actually stopped to discuss anything yet seems they all rely on your neighbors to hand you a lease and see if you bite or not! Barker rd. Millwood twp.
Rich, where is Barker? I am on Sycamore between 761 & Yoker
Barker is toward Barnesville second rd on the left past Eldon First rd is Shannon run next is Barker.I live at Track rocks if you have heard of that.Oxfords frack trucks are sitting about 10 feet in front of ancient indian rock carvings known as track rocks!
gotcha i know where you are. howdy neighbor..........
Nice to meet you guys! There is another meeting not sure who it is put on by, possibly an attorney group out of akron ,on Monday the 18th at 6 pm at the Civic Center in Cambridge!

I agree with the above post about the kwgd group.. very knowlegable and very informative meeting at the Salt Fork Lodge a few weeks ago. I signed up with them and have received their draft lease. It is a variant of the ALOV lease for those familiar with that. They are looking to add more acreage in Guernsey County.... There is power in numbers ! .. and like the poster said their is no commitment untill you sign a lease.


Full disclosure .. I am a member of the Group

Have they come up with a price yet .

The group will get the price when they put the acreage out for bid

then decide to accept it or not...

I am thinking that I may sign up at the meeting on Monday.  I got the info packet & commitment letter at the Salt Fork meeting & have been going to every meeting I could find between then & now.  I am debating between KWGD & Homeland Energy which has a meeting the 21st in Cambridge as well.  However, Wishgard is still on the table as well because they have already paid out to some people I know & after reading the info on Gulfport's website, it sounds like the leases that Wishgard is getting for them will actually be developed.  That is one thing that concerns me with some of these small and/or new companies, is that they may find the money to pay the up front signing bonus, but then never develop a well.  & everything I have heard, read & seen so far shows that getting a producing well is where the profitability actually is.
my opinion also.
There is also a meeting Thursday at Salt Fork. It is Ohio Landowner consultants. I think you will like them a lot more than you would like Homeland. They have groups in Monroe and Belmont and are growing quickly. So, I would try to make their meeting.

Hi Des,

Do you have any information or a way to get in contact with the Ohio Landowner Consultants group?  I would really like to make the meeting Thursday, but had already planned on going to the Homeland meeting.  I would really like to hear what the OLC group is offering, but don't think I will be able to make the meeting Thursday.  I know a lot of these groups sometimes have info packets that they can hand out at the meetings, or possibly send out to interested people that can't attend the meetings.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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