I thought one of the reasons we were drilling in America was to get away from Foreign companies or countries controlling or energy needs...this is nice.. XTO..or Exxon/Mobil..same company recently partnered with the russians... yee haw.

As you may have read, ExxonMobil recently signed an agreement with Russian oil company Rosneft to jointly explore for and produce oil in Russia, the United States and other parts of the world


How about Chesapeake... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/10/AR2...  one of the many chinese programs associated with


so .. is the upfront money a big deal.. could be.. but being in a drilling block is a lot more lucrative.. those people who signed up first are way ahead of those of you who.. smartly held out....

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The same amount of (oil/gas/liquid) is still there whether we sign 3 years ago or now. The bigger bonus is 'extra' money in our pocket. 'We' have the patience to wait a few years on the more lucrative part. P.S. Plus the royalty % has also gone up for those of 'us' who.. SMARTLY HELD OUT.....

There has been nothing drilled around me yet for at least 5 miles in any direction that I am aware of.  There are no wells permitted within the same distance (and this is a  minimum distance, may be even further than that).  I have heard of none of any of my neighboring landowners who signed much earlier receiving any notification of their land being pooled into a unit signifying that anything is getting ready to begin that close to me.  I have a few neighbors that signed up approximately six months ago & they are not in a drilling block (I believe unit is the proper term).  So, I don't feel that I have missed out on anything by "smartly holding out".  If you feel like you are so much better off for signing earlier, then good for you.  Perhaps you are one of the "lucky ones" and you are included on one of these test wells that are currently being drilled.  However, I have read many times on here & on other sources that most companies do not drill on their "prime" locations first. 

Each person has to do what is right for their individual situation.  I don't believe that anyone knows exactly when the right time is to "pull the trigger" we just have to go with what we feel we can live with for many years.  Did some people take less than what is being offered currently as a bonus & royalty? Definitely... Will some people get more than what is being offered currently?  Probably... It is pretty much a gamble for anyone involved.  One just has to ask themselves how much risk they are willing to accept.

It would appear regardless of when you sign it is obvious if the companies are still paying bonus money for leases they still intend to start production at some point in the future . The longer this goes on the more knowledge is acquired from the institutes developing new and safer extraction methods which will also enhance the overall production from the current 3-5% recovery rates to something much higher . It will all work out so there is no sense in throwing stones at each other , just give best wishes for everybodies decision no matter how or when it was applied ,  so one way or another its either your children or grandchildren that will be a little happier later in life.Best wishes to all
let us know the SMARTLY HELD OUT ..... when they drill your well

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