Here is my question? Say you have 30 wells pumping into a pipe line to the cracking plant. If some wells produce wetter gas than others, then how do you know you are getting your fair share of the royalties from the distilates produced from your well, or would all the gas be mixed together and someone with dry gas recieve royalties on other wet gas wells?                                                          if dog rabbit

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If you have the right to audit in your contract they have to. Usually one time per year. However you have to choose a qualified company that is fully insured.

I don't know the wording in your lease, but most likely "right to audit" would be to audit the record keeping of the books, not testing the composition of gas and/or NGLs.


The right to audit should include all operations of a production company on a landowners property,unless otherwise written into the lease. Most of these are done by what is called a joint test, between a production company and a contractor hired by the landowner.I have been involved in uncounted number of these over the last 20 years, For both the companies and the landowners.

Yes, One in Erie Pa, Micro- Bak.

Marcellus Shale : Can tell you are not from nw Pa. AND YES AUDITS DO INCLUDE JOINT TESTING. If so sure of your self use your real name like I do, Or call my cell and we will talk. 814-671-8516. Post yours!

MAN UP!!!!  What is your area Of expertise wells, measurment, or pipeline? And at what rock pressure are you seeing problems with your packers? Oh yes not an idiot just a pilgram, trying to help landowners on this site. NOT LOOKING FOR A FUED!!! THANK YOU.

My area is in measurment and pipeline.

I understand you are a well expert, I'm A gas measuremrent expert, If we both understand our area of expertise we can be a big help to landowners on this site.

Homer, you need to cool it my friend, your last contact with me was very disturbing and I see I am not the only one here who you lash out to.  You were evicted from this site once and I hate to see it happen again, you seem intelligent on many matters but not the universe, just my opinion.

No problem Marcellus Shale we can work together for the good of the landowners


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